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Article about: Auschwitz 1. Arival: At this place people were shot. Impression of the camp: Where people slept:

  1. #1

    Default Auschwitz

    Auschwitz 1.


    At this place people were shot.

    Impression of the camp:

    Where people slept:

    Last edited by CARL; 12-31-2012 at 02:03 PM. Reason: Title adjustment

  2. #2

    Default Re: Auschwitz camp 1

    In the 'Dutch' barracks. It told everything about the Dutch Jews who were sent here.

    An impression of how many there have been:

    Here the rest of the pictures to see what was inside.

    Child shoe

    Adult shoe:

    Cases, including one from the Netherlands in sight:


    Lots of hair that was so sold by the germans ....

    The gas

    This is barrak 13. The dead barrack. Everyone who is an danger to the Third Reich was sent here. There was a Gestapo court that the death penalty gave to them who send here. This means clothing off and against the wall still stood outside.

    At Camp 1, you have a gas chamber that is not bloated as you will soon see in camp 2. This is the inside:

    incinerators immediately adjacent:

    you get quite speechless ..............

  3. #3

    Default Re: Auschwitz camp 1

    Thank you for posting these photos.

    Looking for LDO marked EK2s and items relating to U-406.....

  4. #4

    Default Re: Auschwitz camp 1

    As well, thank you. I lost family in Auschwitz, not sure which camp. Two great Uncles(cousins?) lost there wife and children. I spent years researching them with not much luck, besides a prisoner I.D. Hard to believe something so horrific happened just not so long ago. Seems more suitable for mid-evil times but not the twentieth century.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Auschwitz camp 1

    thats for posting the pictures, I went last year and it is a fascinating place, very sad. Seems they have changed a few little bits since I went, either that or i missed some

  6. #6
    CBH is offline

    Default Re: Auschwitz camp 1

    I just finished reading a great book about a Polish catholic surviver ,"Prisoner 88" by Roy D Tanenbaum . It goes into some detail about the working of the camp , and his life after the war , he moves to Canada and starts an Auschwitz awareness group . And fights with the Polish Auschwitz museum over the lack of Jewish information there at first . Great book . Hard to believe what happened to those poor people .

  7. #7

    Default Re: Auschwitz camp 1

    I will post the pics of the second camp soon!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Auschwitz camp 1

    HARD HITTING pics!!! TY for sharing! Never Forget!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Auschwitz camp 1

    Very impressive photographs! Unfortunately, it looks like there has been very extensive restoration work done and it's difficult to keep track of which parts are as they were back then and which are newer. The main gate infamous Arbeit Macht Frei sign has been replaced, we know-after the outrageous theft and damage of the original(that was thankfully recovered albeit in pieces)The enormous piles of glasses and hair, shoes, etc are unimaginable. One wonders why they were never sent out for homeland use? Do the tour guides ever say why?

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

  10. #10

    Default Re: Auschwitz camp 1

    Quote by Wagriff View Post
    The enormous piles of glasses and hair, shoes, etc are unimaginable. One wonders why they were never sent out for homeland use? Do the tour guides ever say why?
    This was due to the vast amounts that were left behind William. Patently, the staff had other concerns during the final days, such as dismantling the mass murder apparatus. The sight of the hair is disturbing, but when one walks into the permanent exhibition room where it is located, the thing that hits you even more, is the smell. As for the restoration work, this is an ongoing job that requires large resources. The sheer size of the site is not easy to comprehend, even for those who have watched TV documentaries. Indeed, it is not until one visits both sites, and devotes the necessary time to study each, that a realisation of the enormity is possible. Teams of restorers work constantly at the Main Camp and Birkenau, to ensure that this site does not fall into ill state. The location, typical of the KL's, is out in the wilds somewhat and exposed to the harshness of the Polish winter. Hence the high level of maintenance work required. The staff do a fantastic job of restoring and maintaining this darkest of places for all of us to visit, and more importantly, remember.



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