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Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

Article about: Donnerwetter. Mine was earlier than than, and I surely did not get such a sum for it...

  1. #71


    März 1925. 12. Infanterie-Regiment. Truppenübungsplatz, Alte Meute in Altengrabow. Soldat Max Schütze, Dörnitz.

    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

    Juni-Juli 1925. Offiziere und Unteroffiziere der 13. (Minenwerfer) Kompanie des 14. Badisches Infanterie-Regiment.

    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

    September 1925. Feldmanöver der Reichswehr in Ostpreussen. 1. Infanterie-Rеgiment in Königsberg.

    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

    1925. II. M.G.H. Zug 11. Reiter-Regiment. Reichswehr Soldaten mit Maschinengewehren.

    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

    1925. Truppenübungsplatz Grafenwöhr. 20. Infanterie-Regiment.

    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934
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    Advertising world

  3. #72


    Famous universal field cap M.17 very widely distributed in the German armed forces.
    We constantly see this pretty Feldmuetze on many photographs 1919-1927 period.

    Such images, of course, we have a lot, but on pics after 1927 this cap was difficult to found.
    Because since that time the M.17 cap was replaced by a new model (with conveniently visor).

    Field cap M.17 was wearing a very long time... Came the period of the Third Reich.
    16. Mai 1934. Soldaten der 9. Gruppe des 9. Kompanie. Übung am Schwerem MG.

    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

    Summer 1934. More old M.17 Reichswehr-Krätzchen together with one M.21 and one new M.34 "Schiffchen" cap!

    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

    Summer 1935. Poorly dressed unkempt soldiers without shoulder straps. Their muetzes are very strange design!
    Old WW1 metallic tricolor cockad (with holes for thread) on crown (instead of band). And band without emblem.

    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934
    Last edited by Hans Still; 06-20-2014 at 07:35 PM.

  4. #73

    Smile 1927

    Hi all, guys! Today photo-compilation "1927"

    September 1927. Field maneuvers of the 4'th Division in Dornburg near Naumburg on the Saale.
    2'nd Company of the 12'th Infantry Regiment on the two photographs. Old and new field caps...

    "Abmarsch nach Naumburg, zur Abfahrt nach Heimatstandort Zerbst Naumbung".
    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

    "Schluss bei Prittnitz Thüringen, Essenempfang 15 minuten nach Schluß Naumbung".
    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

    September 1927. Field maneuvers in SENNELAGER, at the Paderborn.
    Reichswehr soldiers with different caps during meals on grass at house.
    They have a standart new field caps and ordinary dienstmuetze 1920's.

    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

    October 1927. 4'th Company of the 13 Reitar-Regiment.
    Schirmmuetze in Brunswick tradition (Husar-Totenkopf).
    As well аll dress early tunics M.20 (With sleeve buttons).

    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

  5. #74


    Here are a great set of assorted officer headgear in wear..............the date is 1933/1934 and they show the new insignia as 1933 with the two cockades, the later shots have the first pattern eagle on the caps and the 1934 issue field cap for officers on display or the first time. Note the embroidered wreath but no eagle on the crown despite the tunic showing a breast eagle.



    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

  6. #75

    Smile 1935

    Hellow! I waited for the show pictures from your pioneer-albums!

    The first six pictures - all September 1935 field manoeuvers. Already present eagles second model (large wings). Also there are new shoulder strap ''18. Mai 1934''.
    Many already wear in new uniforms! Visible 5-buttons new offizier-feldbluse modell ''5. Mai 1933'' and VERY new feldbluse ''26. Juli 1934'' (with dull-green collar).

    But the last photo, yes, autumn 1933 dated (tricolor-cockade). Tunics: left - feldrock model 31.10.1928. Right - tunic 1.1.1921 "alter art" and mantel.

    BELOW - MORE PHOTOS OF 1935 MANEUVERS! Similar to your officers?

    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934
    Last edited by Hans Still; 06-30-2014 at 10:25 AM.

  7. #76

    Smile 1933

    Field maneuvers of the German Reichswehr in September 1933.

    Soldiers have teak "Drillich"-tunics M.28, steel helmets type М.18 with tricolor-flaps "14. März 1933".
    All of them wear standard field caps (with visor) 1920's and with new tricolor-cocards "14. März 1933".
    Moreover: field flaches M.07 model, new camo-zeltbahns introduced a year ago in the army, backpacks.

    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

  8. #77

    Cool Some photos

    ...Continue informative publications of the Reichswehr.
    Now a few ebay or archive pictures for you.

    1927, Marburg. Flugzeugführer (middle) and officer (left) in now-introduced dienstmuetze with silver plait.
    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

    Major with new visor-cap and old WW1 M.1910 Feldrock.
    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

    Generalleutnant Werner von Blomberg in 1932.
    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

    September 1932. Feldmanöver der Reichswehr 1. Division in Ostpreussen. Reichswehrminister General von Schleicher im Gespräch mit General Werner von Blomberg.
    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

    Autumn 1933. Meeting with the people in Münsingen (Württemberg).
    The new Chancellor Adolf Hitler and the Reichswehr Minister Colonel-General Werner von Blomberg.
    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934
    Last edited by Hans Still; 07-03-2014 at 05:58 PM.

  9. #78

    Post 1925

    1925 Railway-selection (Adel Bahnhof).

    All wearing standart new-style field caps and dienstmuetze modell early 1920's. There is also a fahrer (driver) - he has black leather uniform.

    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934
    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

  10. #79


    A few more pick ups that I have just got round to sorting............

    The classic hanging about at the rail road shot................ not been able to identify the unit but they are Prussian and all wear M1920 tunics and the m1919 pattern field cap. The picture is dated 1935 which makes the fact they all wear these tunics a lot rarer and also not a breast eagle in sight !

    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

    The same set of guys but this time in another old favourite location for a team picture...the woods.

    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

    Nice shot of an obergefrieter in the m28 tunic and private purchase cap.

    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

    NCO from Bavarian IR 20............his uniform oozes quality

    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

    JR 16 portrait, JR 18 portrait, JR 1 feldwebel on his marriage day............

    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

  11. #80


    this one was a lucky find at the recent war and peace show in Kent. After looking through a few hundred pictures found one Reichswehr...........dated 1925 on the back it has two generals in the foreground......

    on the left General Reinhardt and on the right Generalleutnante Freiherr von Ledebur

    They were big players in the early days of the Reichswehr and credited for instilling and delivering on the changes Von Seeckt instituted.

    Reichswehr Caps 1919 -1934

    - - ------- - -

    good evening Hans !

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