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Organizations and their initials!

Article about: Hi Everyone Has any one on this forum ever compiled a list of Civic/Political organizations and what they were in English sorta like this: NSV - NATIONAL-SOZIALLISTISCHE VOLKSWOHLFARHT - NS

  1. #1

    Default Organizations and their initials!

    Hi Everyone

    Has any one on this forum ever compiled a list of Civic/Political organizations and what they were in English sorta like this:

    RAD - Reichs Arbeit Dienst
    RLB - Luftschutz Tut Not - Reichs-Luftschutzbund, - National Air Raid Protection Union
    VDKF- (Folks Federation German War Grave Care)

    Being new as I looke at pins it blows my mind how many organizations there were. If one does not exist I would be glad to compile one for the forum. Post it and see if any one has any to add?

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  3. #2

    Default Re: Organizations and their initials!

    Quote by brianmc View Post
    Hi Everyone

    Has any one on this forum ever compiled a list of Civic/Political organizations and what they were in English sorta like this:

    RAD - Reichs Arbeit Dienst
    RLB - Luftschutz Tut Not - Reichs-Luftschutzbund, - National Air Raid Protection Union
    VDKF- (Folks Federation German War Grave Care)

    Being new as I looke at pins it blows my mind how many organizations there were. If one does not exist I would be glad to compile one for the forum. Post it and see if any one has any to add?
    Hi there,
    that's not a bad idea! check this link and you will find some more. Good luck!
    Best regards,

    The Collector's Guild

  4. #3

    Default Re: Organizations and their initials!

    DAF - Deutsches Arbeits Front - German Labour Front
    DLV - Deutscher Luftspot Verband - German Air Sports Association

  5. #4

    Default Re: Organizations and their initials!

    Thanks for the help Pieter and NunoGTI, here it is so far...

    ASB - Arbeiter Samariter Bund – Samaritan’s Labor Organization
    AO - Foreign Lands Organization
    BDM - Bund Deutscher Mädel - The League of German Maidens
    DAF - Deutsche Arbeitsfront – German Labor Front
    DAW - German Armament Works
    DDA - German Doctor's League
    DDAC - Der Deutsche Automobil-Club - German Automobile Club
    DEST - German Excavation and Quarrying Works
    DJ - Deutsche Jägerschaft – German Hunting Association
    DJ - Deutsche Jungvolk - German Youth
    DLB - Altherrenbund der Deutschen Studenten -
    DLRG - Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft - German Life Rescue association / Rescue swimmer
    DLV - German Air Sports Organization
    DKB - Deutscher Kriegerbund - German Veterans Association
    DRB - Deutsche Reichsbahn - German Reich Railway
    DSVB - Deutscher Standschutzenverband, - German State Shooting Association
    DRA - German National Committee for Physical Training
    DRK - Deutsches Rotes Kreuz – German Red Cross
    DRL - German National Physical Training Union
    DRP - German National Post
    DRV -Deutsche Radfahrer Verein -German Bicyclist League
    NEPA - National Political Educational Institute (also NaPolA)
    NPD - National Democratic Party
    NSAD - National Socialist Labor Service
    NSAG - National Socialist Labor Association
    NS Altherrenbund der Deutschen Studenten - National Socialist German Senior Student's Association
    NSB - National Socialist German Student's Association (also NSDStB)
    NSBDT - National Socialist League of German Technicians
    NSBO - Nationalsozialische Betriebszellen Organisierung - National-Socialist Trades-Cell Org.
    NSDA - National Socialist Doctor's Association
    NSDAP - National Socialist German Worker's Party
    NSDAV - National Socialist German Worker's Association
    NSDF - National Socialist State League of German Nurses
    NSDStB - National Socialist German Student's Association (also NSB)
    NSF - National Sozialistische Frauenschaft - National Socialist Women's League
    NSFK - National Socialist Flying Corps
    NSFO - National Socialist Leadership Organization
    NSG-KdF - National Socialist Organization - Strength through Joy
    NS-HAGO - National Socialist - Commerce, Handicraft, and Trade Organization
    NSKK - Nationalsozialistische Kraftfahrkorps - Motor Transportation Formation of the N.S.D.A.P.
    NSKOV - Nationalsozialistische Kriegsopferversorgung -National Socialist War Victim's Care
    NSL - National Socialist Teacher's Union
    NS Rechtwarerbund - National Socialist Federation of Law Protectors
    NS Reichskriegerbund - National Socialist State Soldier's Association (also NSRKB)
    NSRKB - National Socialist State Soldier's Association (also NS Reichskriegerbund)
    NSRL - National Socialist Physical Training Union
    NS Schwesternschaft - National Socialist Nurse's League
    NSV - National-Soziallistische Volkswohlfarht - NS peoples welfare
    NSVB - National Socialist People's Organization
    Org Todt - Todt Organization - German construction firm founded by Dr. Fritz Todt.
    RAD - Reichs Arbeit Dienst - German National Work Service
    RBD - National Federation of the German Civil Servants and State Officials
    RDK - Reichsverband Deutscher Kleintierzuchter -Nat.German Association of Small Animal Breeders
    RDK - National Federation of Large Families
    RFD - Reichs Forest Deinst - National Forestry Service
    RFD - Reichs Fuhrung Deinst - National Leadership Schools
    RKFDV - National Commissar for the Strengthening of Germanism
    RKK - National Chamber of Culture
    RKS - National Culture Senate
    RLB - Luftschutz Tut Not - Reichs-Luftschutzbund, - National Air Raid Protection Union
    RLM - National Air Travel Ministry
    RLSV - National Air Protection Union (also RLB)
    RMBO - National Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories (also RMO)
    RMO - National Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories (also RMBO)
    RSHA - National Central Security Department
    RuSHA - Race and Resettlement Department
    RZM – National Ordnance (or Materials) Ministry
    TeNo - Technische Nothilfe - Technical Emergency Help
    VDA - Volksbund für Deutschtum im Ausland - People's Society for Germanism in Foreign Countries
    VDKF- Folks Federation German War Grave Care

    Stahlhelm – WWI veterans orginazation
    Postschutz - Postal Protection Service
    Sicherheits und Hilfdienst, - Security and Assistance Service
    NS Gemeinschaft Kraft durch Freude - National Socialist Organization Strength through Joy
    Deutsche Frauenwerk – German Women's Welfare Organization

  6. #5

    Default Re: Organizations and their initials!

    Great info, this should become a 'sticky' thread! Its quicker than looking through books!

    "In all my years as a soldier, I have never seen men fight so hard." - SS Obergruppenfuhrer Wilhelm Bittrich - Arnhem

  7. #6

    Default Re: Organizations and their initials!

    Hello friend hope you dont mind go here to see.
    I was doing a thread just joining some info about several things and maybe more useful than searching in books as stickgrenade says.
    So please fell free to join and help with your knowledge.
    Best REgards

  8. #7

    Default Re: Organizations and their initials!

    DJH - Deutsches Jugendherbergwerk (German Youth Hostel Work)
    KDF - Kraft durch Freude (Strength through Joy)
    RdK - Reichsbund der Kinderreichen (Empire alliance of large families)
    RMD - Reichsmütterdienst (Empire Mothers Service)
    RTB - Reichstreubund ehemaliger Berufssoldaten (Empire loyal alliance of former regular soldiers)

    These ones were previously listed by brianmc, but omitted the original German

    DLV - Deutscher Luftsportverband (German Air Sports Association)
    DRA (sometimes also DRL or, more rarely, DRAfL) - Deutscher Reichsausschuss für Leibesübungen (German Empire Commission for Physical Education)
    DRL - Deutscher Reichsbund für Leibesübungen (German Empire Alliance for Physical Education)
    NSFK - Nationalsozialistische Flieger-Korps
    NSRL - Nationalsozialistischer Reichsbund für Leibesübungen (National Socialist Empire Alliance for Physical Education)

  9. #8

    Default Re: Organizations and their initials!

    Thank you! I will add these to the master list...


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