I'm very happy and proud to present to you my newest helmet: it's a french paratrooper commando helmet (MSA TC3001), from the great CPA20 - Commandos Parachustistes de l'Air 20.

A lucky and unexpected find!

Some particularities to recognise this helmet:
- a tan Revision made chinstrap (black on usal TC3001)
- a neck pad
- a nice cover
- a leather chin strap

Some pics:
French paratrooper commando TC3001 Helmet!

French paratrooper commando TC3001 Helmet!

French paratrooper commando TC3001 Helmet!

French paratrooper commando TC3001 Helmet!

French paratrooper commando TC3001 Helmet!

French paratrooper commando TC3001 Helmet!

In operation (from the site Bruno Redares - Photographe - Peintre des armees)

French paratrooper commando TC3001 Helmet!

Best regards
Jean Loup