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Just some nice Signal Magazines and special editions from 1939 !!

Article about: Just to share these nice Magazines, I have more in my profile to see. The Magazines: Billede Bladets Sidste billeder nr 1. 7. september 1939 særudgave Image Magazine last photos No 1 7th Sep

  1. #1

    Default Just some nice Signal Magazines and special editions from 1939 !!

    Just to share these nice Magazines, I have more in my profile to see.

    The Magazines:

    Billede Bladets Sidste billeder nr 1. 7. september 1939 særudgave

    Image Magazine last photos No 1 7th September 1939 special issue. Danish “picture” magazine describing the last days of the town Nakel and the German- Polish front.
    The text on the front page in Danish:
    Under indtagelsen af den polske by Nakel sprænger tyske soldater nedrullede persienner for at rense husene for friskytter
    The text on the front page in English:
    During the intake of the Polish city Nakel, German soldiers bursts closed blinds to clean houses for gunmen
    The text on the back page in Danish:
    Den Tysk-Polske slagmark
    The text on the back page in English:
    The German-Polish battlefield
    Page 4-5:
    The text in Danish and English:
    Billeder fra den Tysk-Polske front
    The text in English:
    Images from the German-Polish front

    Signal Extra DA 4 1944

    Signal Extra Danish edition (Edition nr 4 “DA 4”) from 1944 or 1945 describing how Warszawa really was. The front page showing Countess Tarnowska, the president of the Polish Red Cross.
    The text in the round circle on the front page in Danish:
    Grevinde Tarnowska, presidenten for det polske røde kors, er som Parlamentær for Oprørerne på General Bor-Komorowskis vegne naaet ud til de tyske Stillinger
    The text in the round circle on the front page in English
    Countess Tarnowska, president of the Polish Red Cross, as Parlamentær for the rebels has reached out to the German positions on behalf General Bor-Komorowski.
    The text in the round circle on the back page in Danish:
    Med opstrakte hænder kommer nu oprørerne, af hvilke en del har camoufleret sig med tyske uniformer, op i dagens lys fra de sammenskudte kælderindgange
    Fotos: SS krigskorrespondent Seidel og Moser, krigskorrespondent Leher og Wundshammer
    The text in the round circle on the back page in English:
    The end
    Now come the rebels with outstretched hands, of which a part has been camouflaged with German uniforms, into the light of day from pooled basement entrances

    Photos: SS war correspondent Seidel and Moser, war correspondent Leher and Wundshammer:
    Page 2-3 describes how Warszawa really was (Som det virkelig var: Warszawa) by Lieutenant Benno Wundshanmmer (war correspondent)

    Signal Heft 3 1944 German

    Signal Heft (magazine) nr 3 1944 in German
    The text in German in the circle on the front page:
    Bewährt im kampf des kontinents
    Eichenlaubträger general Cornelio Teodorini

    The text in English in the circle on the front page:
    Proven in the battle of the continent
    oak leaves carrier general Cornelio Teodorini
    The text in German in the circle on the front page:
    So wie sie
    Arbeiten 180 millionen menschen für Europas .... Zukunft
    The text in English in the circle on the front page:
    Just as they
    Work 180 million people for the (missing a word) future of Europa
    Page 2-3:
    Headlines in German:
    Die schweigende Grossmacht
    Headlines in English:
    The silent superpower
    Wie stark ist Japan wirklich
    How strong is Japan really
    Page 4-5:
    Showing the picture top left page 4:
    The armaments industry and war production industry “Reichminister” Albert Speer visiting the “luftwaffe”.
    Showing the picture button left page 4:
    “Kanonen- Müller” “chefkonstrukteur” at Krupp visiting the army, looking at some new artillery just approved by “Reichminister” Speer
    Showing the picture top right page 5:
    “Reichminister” Speer and “Grossadmiral” Dönitz on the bridge of a war ship.
    Showing the picture button right page 5:
    “Reichminister” Speer at the “sehror” rudder in a sub-marine.

    The text in German:
    Die Rüstnungs- und kriegsproduktion der deutsche industrie in einnen bildbericht von Hanns Hubmann
    The text in English:
    The German armaments industry and war production industry in a picture report by Hanns Hubmann

    Signal nr 2 1944

    Signal nr 2 1944 in Danish, describing the German East front in Russia
    The text in the circel on the front page in Danish:
    I den tredie vinter
    Staar den tysk front I rusland og beskytter Europa
    The text in the circel on the front page in English:
    In the third winter
    Stands the German front in Russia and protects Europe
    The text in the circel on the front page in Danish:
    Et Orlovsbekendtskab
    En særberetning i dette nummer, hvad vi kæmper for

    The text in the circel on the front page in English:
    An Orlov acquaintance
    A special report in this issue, what we are fighting for
    Page 32-33
    Headline in Danish: For menneskets ret til kultur
    Headline in English: The human right for culture
    showing on the left a concert by the German State orchestra playing Beethoven, and on the right a German holiday ship for the poor people

    Signal nr 4 1944

    Signal nr 4 1944 in Danish, describing the new soldiers/ recruits
    The text in the circle on the front page in Danish:
    De vordende soldater

    The text in the circle on the front page in English:
    The new soldier/ recruits
    The text in the circle on the back page in Danish:
    En skøjteløbs- Sensation I vinteren 1944
    Martha Musilek og Horst Faber, tyske mestre i singleløb, under deres første start som ”par”
    The text in the circle on the back page in Danish:
    A skating-Sensation In the winter of 1944
    Martha Musilek and Horst Faber, German champions in single, during their first start as a "couple"
    Page 5-6:
    Syv Pioneer og deres kompagnichef
    Headline: Seven Pioneers and their company commander, telling about their Herodian fight at he East front
    Page 20-21:
    Ved Europas grænse,
    Headline: At the border of Europe, showing a huge bunker and its canon. Picture taken by PK-Photo (lieutenant Frentz)
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Just some nice Signal Magazines and special editions from 1939 !!   Just some nice Signal Magazines and special editions from 1939 !!  

    Just some nice Signal Magazines and special editions from 1939 !!   Just some nice Signal Magazines and special editions from 1939 !!  

    Just some nice Signal Magazines and special editions from 1939 !!   Just some nice Signal Magazines and special editions from 1939 !!  

    Just some nice Signal Magazines and special editions from 1939 !!  

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Just some nice Signal Magazines and special editions from 1939 !!
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  3. #2

    Default Re: Just some nice Signal Magazines and special editions from 1939 !!

    Signal was always The German magazine of the war. Oh sure, there were tons of others, but Signal was the German's answer to "Life Magazine". They were always fascinating to look through-even if you didn't read the language too good. I wonder if anyone has a complete run of them....? Now That would be a heck of a archive to read through!

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

  4. #3

    Default Re: Just some nice Signal Magazines and special editions from 1939 !!

    Great stuff!! I only have half a dozen of these mags, I love the images within

    "In all my years as a soldier, I have never seen men fight so hard." - SS Obergruppenfuhrer Wilhelm Bittrich - Arnhem

  5. #4

    Default Re: Just some nice Signal Magazines and special editions from 1939 !!

    Hi Nick
    Yes, great Magazines with amazing photos and a very nice print quality. These magazines are very interesting because they describes the "daily" life during the war and also the war, its different fronts etc. They are particulary interesting for the danes because a lot voluntered for the SS and especially the Estern front etc.

  6. #5

    Default Re: Just some nice Signal Magazines and special editions from 1939 !!

    Hello, I have all the collection and some in various languages, but there is a problem with Signal : The poor quality of the paper. So, I prefer Die Wehrmacht, color edition, of course.

  7. #6

  8. #7


    Hi Animaniac
    Thank you for your additional info.

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