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leibstandarte Adolf Hitler

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  1. #21


    With PhotoShop, it's still difficult to make out (certainly nothing I can post here) but it does,indeed, look to be a DRA Sports badge. The leaf that sticks up from the wreath above the "D" and the "R" is evident (you can see it in Ned's photo at 11 O'Clock) -no such leaf point is on the GAB, the entire wreath is smooth edged- and there is no sign of a head above the central curve beneath the top of the wreath. What grade, of course, is impossible to say. Now...what is the small object in the lower left corner of the scene?

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

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    Circuit advertisement leibstandarte Adolf Hitler
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  3. #22


    Ned has it I think.


    Whatever its just an opinion.

  4. #23


    wow this badge created a real debate, anyway thank you all for your expert contribution, I analyzed this badge for hours without reaching a conclusion

  5. #24


    Quote by Gunny Hartmann View Post
    Nice quiff!.....
    A prototype Presley?

  6. #25


    Quote by Glenn66 View Post
    A prototype Presley?
    indeed, I thought the same thing

  7. #26


    If he can't get away with wearing two Verwundeten Abzeichen he won't get away with wearing an Allgemeine Sturm Abzeichen below his Verwundeten Abzeichen.

    The ASA would take precedence over the VA and it is definitely not one of those.

    I am with Ned on it being a DRL award.

    Looking for LDO marked EK2s and items relating to U-406.....

  8. #27


    Quote by Adrian View Post
    If he can't get away with wearing two Verwundeten Abzeichen he won't get away with wearing an Allgemeine Sturm Abzeichen below his Verwundeten Abzeichen.

    The Allgemeine Sturmabzeichen would take precedence over the VA and it is definitely not one of those.

    I am with Ned on it being a DRL award.
    I have changed my opinion, and now I think it does look like a DRL award, too, but I think we can all agree as well that regulations weren't always followed accurately. That being said, I don't think it's a Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen due to if it was, the eagles head would reach the top of the badge, which it clearly doesn't.

  9. #28


    This would be the correct order for a Allgemeine Sturmabzeichen and a Verwundeten Abzeichen to be worn.

    leibstandarte Adolf Hitler

    We all know that regulations weren't always followed to the letter but in this case you would expect an SS officer candidate in a portrait shot would make the effort to present himself, his uniform and decorations in the regulation manner.

    Looking for LDO marked EK2s and items relating to U-406.....

  10. #29


    As has been said above, it's a Sports Badge: What is visible of the wreath is a match and size and position are correct as well.

    Specifically, it is the Bronze grade, as it is too dark to be a silver or gold one.

    (Of course, from his young age, bronze is the grade to be expected, although it was possible to qualify for silver [by way of annual repetitions] at 25 years of age. Gold could be attained at no younger an age than 32.)

  11. #30


    The more I look I keep thinking ASA. But legion Condor PKA niggles me on this one, but I've no idea why. Stewy

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