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Article about: That depends really Dagon, i can read the printed words on the death cards but actual handwritting can be a totally different matter, it can be quite difficult sometimes but i could try

  1. #991


    Hi Rose.

    Another great example for a 4. Gebirgs member.

    You are right with the abbreviation and a granatwerfer would be a mortar.

    The back of the card does give information about his burial location (Grablage).

    I would read it as Grablage: Dorf Einösbach / Kaukasus, 2.5k nördlich Fluß Bsÿb. (Grave location: Village of Einösbach / Caucasus, 2.5k north of river Bsÿb).

    Kind regards,

    Last edited by Willmore; 05-02-2024 at 12:10 PM.

  2. # ADS
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  3. #992


    Thanks Will for the clarification. Glad to know it's a mortar. When I think of a grenade launcher, from my time in the Army I think of modern day usa where it's attached under our weapons in the military.

  4. #993


    Sanitäts Ersatz Abteilung 7 - Peter Hohenreiter

    Post your death notices

    Name: Peter Hohenreiter
    Rank: Sanitätsunteroffizier
    Birth Date: 10 October 1904
    Birth Place: Lenggries Bad Tölz Obb
    Military Unit: Sanitäts Ersatz Abteilung 7 Miesbade-Obb
    Death Date: 25 April 1942
    Death Place: 21.40 Uhr Reserve Lazarett 102 Guben

    His cause of death is noted as Verstorben: Flecktyphus, Wundrose sepsis (Deceased: Spotted Typhus, Erysipelas sepsis)

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    Peter doesn't have an entry on the Volksbund, but according to the green casualty card he is buried in the Municipal cemetery Gaißbach, grave 126. (Gaißach Gem = gemeindlichen Friedhof, grab 126).

    Guben reserve hospital-

    Established on September 4, 1939 as a reserve hospital 102 Guben in Military District III. The hospital was housed in the city hospital. In 1939 the hospital had a capacity of 120 beds. This was reduced to 60 beds on October 18, 1939. On November 11, 1939, the capacity was increased to 80 beds and on September 20, 1940 to 95 beds.

    Reservelazarett Guben 102 - Lexikon der Wehrmacht

    Typhus -

    Typhus - Wikipedia

    Erysipelas -

    Erysipelas - Wikipedia

    Gaißach -

    Gaissach - Wikipedia

  5. #994


    4./Schwadron Luftlande Lehrabteilung XIII Fliegerkorps - Edgar Seiwert

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    Name: Edgar Seiwert
    Rank: Gefreiter
    Birth Date: 1 Novemmbrr 1924
    Military Unit: 4./Schwadron Luftlande Lehrabteilung
    Death Date: 17 December 1943
    Death Place: Hauptverbandplatz Vackri

    His cause of death is noted as Imschuß in höhe ans 11 Brustwirbels (Shot at the height of the 11th thoracic vertebrae)

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    Edgar Seiwert was not recovered during our re-interment activities. The planned transfer to the collective cemetery in Vacri, Italy was, therefore, unfortunately not possible. His name will be recorded in the cemetery's memorial book.

    Position of thoracic vertebrae 11 -

    Post your death notices

    The unit was part of XIII Fliegerkorps and Luftlande Lehr points to it being some kind of air landing training unit. Of note is that other casualty cards for members of the unit record Jäger Schwadron and Staffel instead of Kompanie.

    I have found a couple of pieces of information that point to it being used to form Fallschirm-Auklärungs-Abteilung 12.

    The Auklärungs-Abteilung (Reconnaissance Department) XIII was created for the XIII Fliegerkorps. The unit members all received jump training. The unit was relocated to Italy in 1943 and was subordinate to the XI. Fliegerkorps. The Fallschirm-Auklärungs-Abteilung 12 was later formed from this unit. The head of this department was initially RK porter Kurt Stephani.

    Luft-Lande-Lehr-Abteilung Flieger-Korps XIII - Einheiten der Luftwaffe - Forum der Wehrmacht

    Paratrooper unit in Italy -

    Fallschirmjager-Einheit in Italien? - Bilder und Fotos - Forum der Wehrmacht

    Kurt Stephani (Chef, 1. Kompanie, Luftlande-Lehr-Abteilung 1) -

    Stephani, Kurt (Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 9) -
    Last edited by Willmore; 05-15-2024 at 12:12 AM.

  6. #995


    13./Kompanie Reserve-Gebirgsjäger-Nachrichten-Kompanie 1 - Johann Seitz

    Post your death notices

    Name: Johann Seitz
    Rank: Jäger
    Birth Date: 6 November 1925
    Birth Place: Burghausen Obb
    Military Unit: 13./Kompanie Reserve-Gebirgsjäger-Nachrichten-Kompanie 1
    Death Date: 17 September 1943
    Death Place: Modane

    His cause of death is noted as Gefallen: Bei Fliegerangriff der Verschüttung (Killed in action: Buried during an air raid).

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    Johann Seitz is buried in the military cemetery in Dagneux, France.
    Endgrablage: Block 41 Reihe 13 Grab 477.

    Modane -

    Modane is a commune in the Savoie department in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region in southeastern France.

    Modane - Wikipedia

    Reserve-Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 1 -

    Gebirgsjäger-Ersatz-Regiment 1 - Lexikon der Wehrmacht

    Another death card to a member of 157. Reserve-Division -

    Post your death notices

    The Bombing raid -

    There is conflicting information about numbers of British and American aircraft involved in the first account. Actually five B17s of US 8th AAF’s 422nd Bombardment Squadron of the 305th were involved, not 350 as mentioned. The bulk actually being a mix British aircraft as noted in the other sources. This mistake could be due to the translation of the first account from French to English.

    Operation Puff (i) -

    'Puff' (i) was an Allied air attack on the marshalling yards at Modane in the south-east of German-occupied France on the strategically important route to Turin in north-western Italy (16/17 September 1943).

    Attacks, on Modane on l6/l7th September 1943 (pages 7 and 8) -

    The "purple" warning was sounded at 23.50pm but the "red" was never given. Shortly afterwards aircraft flew over the town and began the attack which lasted from 00.55am hours to 02.05am. It was carried out by about 350 US four-engine bombers in successive waves at an altitude of 3,000 - 4,000 metres. Weather conditions were good with excellent visibility (full moon was on 14th September) and numerous target illuminators were also dropped. There was no Anti Aircraft defence.

    The town of Modane was severely hit and its evacuation was necessary. Three quarters of the population having been rendered homeless with only a few houses remained standing after the second attack and these were uninhabitable. The area of Modane and Iguraux indeed had the appearance of front line villages of the First World War.

    Attention Required! | Cloudflare

    Bomber Command War Diary 16 September 1943. Attack Against Targets at Modane (Railway Yards) -

    340 aircraft of 3, 4, 6 and No 8 Groups – 170 Halifax, 127 Stirling, 43 Lancaster bombers – to attack the important railway yards at Modane on the main railway route from France to Italy. 5 American B-17s also took part. The marking of the target, situated in a steep valley, was not successful and the bombing was not accurate. No report is available from France. 2 Halifax and 1 Stirling lost.

    16/9/43 Attack Against Targets at Modane – Railway Yards | 75(nz)squadron

    Page 7, (g) Targets in France -

    The attack on Modane was designed to block the French end of the Mont Cenis Tunnel and thus hinder the passage of supplies to the German armies in Italy. Bombing was accurate and photographs showed a great concentration of craters running from the east end of the International Station and completely filling the loop formed by the railway doubling back to the entrance of the tunnel. Hits were scored on the railway embankments partly cutting the tracks in places. It is possible that damage was done to overhead electric transmission lines.

    Attention Required! | Cloudflare

  7. #996


    Nachrichten-Fernaufklärungs-Kompanie 617 - Franz-Xaver Oberleitner

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    Name: Franz-Xaver Oberleitner
    Rank: Obergefreiter
    Birth Date: 19 Marxh 1915
    Birth Place: Halsbach
    Military Unit: Nachrichten-Fernaufklärungs-Kompanie 617
    Death Date: 19 August 1943
    Death Place: Birki, 48km südostw. Romny

    His cause of death is noted as Selbstmord (suicide)

    Post your death notices

    Franz Xaver Oberleitner was not recovered during our re-interment activities. The planned transfer to the collective cemetery in Charkiw Ukraine was, therefore, unfortunately not possible. His name will be recorded in the cemetery's memorial book.

    Nachrichten-Fernaufklärungs-Kompanie -

    Their task was to intercept the enemy’s short-range, tactical radio traffic (both voice and c/w), decode it if it was coded, translate it into German, and immediately forward the information to the operations branch of the army they were supporting. This was battlefield intelligence that was highly perishable and often had to be acted on immediately. The intercepted radio traffic might indicate the shifting of enemy units, or plans to attack in a certain place at a certain time, or the reinforcing or withdrawal of enemy units in the sector the company was monitoring, etc.

    looking for info on intelligence reconanissence company 960 -

    FAK 613 - Rennes Juni 1943 (= Fernaufklarungs-Kompanie 613) - Einheiten des Heeres - Forum der Wehrmacht

    Romny, Ukraine -

    Romny - Wikipedia

  8. #997

    Default Lorenz Munz 12./Komp.Geb.Jag.Regt.91

    Lorenz Munz

    Born: 3.12.1924
    Burg.Niederfeld Nalb?
    Rank: Jag
    Died: 10.2.1943

    Gefallen: Gunshot abdomen/belly in Krasnodar

    I thought he was on the grave search, but I may be thinking of a different card..

    I know these casualty cards sometimes have backs to them with additional information, but I can't seem to find or figure out how to see the back of the card on fold3.

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  9. #998

    Default Franz Lehmeyer 3./komp.Geb.Jag.Regt.91

    Franz Lehmeyer, was a part of 3./komp.Geb.Jag.Regt.91

    Date of birth

    Place of birth

    Death/missing date

    Death/missing place

    Service rank

    Post your death noticesPost your death noticesPost your death notices

    Cause of death I can't figure out. Verstorben: Blind? Beide? and the rest. Dorm?

  10. #999


    Hi Rose.

    The cause of death is Blinddarmentzündung (Appendicitis). It is a poignant example that shows not every soldier died due to enemy action.

    Kind regards,


  11. #1000


    Thanks Will,

    Something new every time! Always interesting to come across something not war injury related.

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