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Close Combat: The Longest Day Campaign Thread

Article about: Hi guys! So, it's time to reveal a nerdy passion of mine. Every few months or so, when I find that I have a lot of free time, I fill it with a campaign of one of my favorite games- Close Com

  1. #21

    Default Re: Close Combat: The Longest Day Campaign Thread

    Cool, I might try this one. I used to play CC1 to death. Company of Heroes is pretty unbeatable too.

  2. #22

    Default Re: Close Combat: The Longest Day Campaign Thread

    Still midnight of June 5th/6th. The 507th PIR of the 82nd Airborne Division begins the battle for Amfreville, which is defended by Grenadier Regiment 729 of the 709. Infanterie Division. The Germans here are equipped with extra AT guns, as well as Marder tank destroyers. I lose a handful of men taking half the town, but the other half will have to wait until the morning. I destroyed a Marder I and a Pak 40 so far.

  3. #23

    Default Re: Close Combat: The Longest Day Campaign Thread

    Awesome Mo, I have been looking for a new strategy game to get down with instead of FPS's! heh heh I recently tried World ofTanks (different from this) but it jammed up my laptop too much.

  4. #24

    Default Re: Close Combat: The Longest Day Campaign Thread

    This game is incredibly addicting. I have never played a strategy game with such depth and realism. In what other game will soldiers freak out and run away?

  5. #25

    Default Re: Close Combat: The Longest Day Campaign Thread

    Here's one you British guys will be interested in!

    With combat finished for the night for the U.S. paratroopers, I now command the 6th Airborne. My men, the 3rd Parachute Brigade, have attempted to seize the Merville gun battery from the 716. Infanterie Division. But I haven't been successful- yet. The casualties are about equal, and I have taken half of the gun pits, as well as all of the roads into and out of the area, but their MG's fell back and got themselves into positions that I just couldn't flank. So, I will have to save the rest until the morning as well.

    With the battery being surrounded by a minefield and barbed wire, I sent the entire company around to the road leading into the battery area, grouped them in a few houses (see the screenshot), and had Vickers MG teams provide suppressing fire while I sent bren and rifle groups into assaults around the various bunkers. Hidden MG34's got the best of a few of my assaulting teams, which is where I took my casualties.

    Unfortunately, the lieutenant in charge of the company that attacked the battery was killed by a mine before a single shot was fired. Imagine how, in reality, this would have altered the attack plans.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Close Combat: The Longest Day Campaign Thread

    The final engagement of the evening, and for the night of June 5th/6th: Pegasus Bridge

    The 5th Parachute Brigade performed very well! I managed to take both Pegasus and Ranville bridges, as well as the road to Benouville. The area was defended by lightly armed but well-positioned osttruppen. My strategy was simple: sneak in one team at a time up to the house next to the bridge, and keep firing into the house with a 6 pounder the crept its way up to the bridge along the Caen Canal. I took minimal casualties and secured most of the area.

    One of my men, a Staff Sergeant Trotter, earned the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal for 3 kills and 2 acts of bravery. He was in the platoon leader team that I sent across the bridge to secure the town on the other side.

    The beach invasion begins tomorrow! My paratroopers have done well. Here is the casualty report as of the night of June 5th/6th:

    Allied Losses:
    67 KIA, 48 Wounded

    German Losses:
    114 KIA, 97 Wounded, 1 Tank (the Marder in Amfreville), 7 AT guns

  7. #27

    Default Re: Close Combat: The Longest Day Campaign Thread

    A cool looking game.
    I'm still playing Panzer and Allied General on PS1,Yep PS1.
    Both games would be around 12-15 years old now.I'm a dinosaur

  8. #28

    Default Re: Close Combat: The Longest Day Campaign Thread

    Great games close combat series...i bought the normandy one and the battle of the bulge one last year on ebay....the bulge one wont work with windows ..anyone have a way to sort this out???..sorry for bringing this thread in a different dirrection...
    company of heros also 5star....

  9. #29

    Default Re: Close Combat: The Longest Day Campaign Thread

    Quote by darrenj40 View Post
    Great games close combat series...i bought the normandy one and the battle of the bulge one last year on ebay....the bulge one wont work with windows ..anyone have a way to sort this out???..sorry for bringing this thread in a different dirrection...
    company of heros also 5star....
    Which windows, as it wont work with 7 so I cant play on my newest computer but it should work on the older versions and I can still play on my older laptop. I might start a new game as this thread has inspired me to have a go as it has been a while since I last played it.


    Whatever its just an opinion.

  10. #30

    Default Re: Close Combat: The Longest Day Campaign Thread

    Close Combat was released as such:

    CCII: A Bridge Too Far
    CCIII: Russian Front
    CCIV: Battle of the Bulge
    CCV: Invasion Normandy

    Then, starting in (I think) 2006, they re-released them all:

    CC: Cross of Iron
    CC: Wacht am Rhein
    CC: The Longest Day
    CC: Last Stand Arnhem

    And now, they are releasing a new one called Close Combat: Panthers in the Fog. This particular campaign is CC: The Longest Day, released a couple of years ago.

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