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Questionable internet sales

Article about: i have started this post because there are lots of daggers for sale on the net that are fake or at least questionable. To prevent yourself its better to ask advise before buying. Even the bi

  1. #41


    Thanks Larry C ... as always your expertise is highly appreciated.

    Unfortunately this piece has been sold to some unfortunate who will one day get to realise he’s been taken for a mug .... and wasted his hard earned cash.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Questionable internet sales
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  3. #42


    Hi Stevade, I hear what you are saying and I sympathise with you if you had difficulty with the return I can only speak of my personal experience of this dealer and have had no problems. Our differing views are a very common occurrence and I've heard many stories of dealers who have not been fair or honest with collectors then other collectors will chime in how they trust the same dealer totally. I don't take anything on face value and the internet is great but there's always that crap moment when the piece you ordered arrives and you open it up to be left feeling ripped I think we have all been there, you may have to argue a little sometimes but so long as you get your money back that's the important thing. But if we stopped doing business with every dealer who has sold a bad piece then there would be no one left to buy from just life I guess? If I see what seems to be a dodgy piece to me then I just ignore it I don't get wound up about it life's too short. Anyway I hope all goes well for you and it's absolutely right that you bring this sort of thing to others attention but I don't feel I need to be Warned! I'm a big boy now and no the score with dealers.
    Best regards, Andy.

  4. #43


    Quote by Grofaz45 View Post
    But if we stopped doing business with every dealer who has sold a bad piece then there would be no one left to buy from just life I guess? Best regards, Andy.
    I disagree, it would force them to be more conscious of what they are selling if they want to stay in business.
    It also depends on how they respond when told that one of their items is not correct.
    Searching for anything relating to, Anton Boos, 934 Stamm. Kp. Pz. Erz. Abt. 7, 3 Kompanie, Panzer-Regiment 2, 16th Panzer-Division (My father)

  5. #44


    Hi All.... The you’ve been warned is not specifically aimed at you Andy....

    If you question some of the dealers on the authenticity of the object they have for sale their attitude tends to change quite dramatically.
    The Dealer in question offers a 7 days satisfaction guarantee, if not satisfied in that period of time you get a refund ... after that period if you find it is a fake then it’s down to you to prove it is ... ie: your word against his.
    The Certificate of Authenticity is not worth the paper it’s written on ... and caution, if you ask for one they may get offended!!
    I agree with Ralph .... as he is Dealer in Militaria as well as he states an established collector with over 30 years experience, and some of the stuff he sells is from his personal collection ....
    He should know the difference between what’s cream and what’s C**P ...

  6. #45


    Hi Ralph, What you say is great if this were a perfect world but it isn't and I don't think there would ever be enough back up from other collectors to boycott a particular dealer and through some united front of collectors force dealers to change their ways, much as I would love to see that sort of thing happen I think it's wishful thinking and realistically just ain't gonna happen. Seven days return inspection period is standard business and fair enough so if you don't know or try to find out find out if the piece you bought is good or not in that time then that's really the buyers problem and then down to the good will of the dealer to agree a return after an inspection period. Obviously if they flat refuse to accept a return within the inspection period that's bad business but as it would be stated in their terms and conditions you have legal comeback if necessary through trading standards so why bother to get into a personal argument if refused after the inspection period then you may have a problem but it would be your problem not the dealers it's just business. Don't get me wrong I'm not defending bad deals just saying it is how it is and it's not going to change so just be aware of it and avoid the traps if you have doubt then get advice from other collectors on forums like this one within that inspection period and get your money back and then if you want to try to mobilise the collecting world onto your side fine but it won't make any difference there are plenty of buyers out there. Regards, Andy.
    Quote by rbminis View Post
    I disagree, it would force them to be more conscious of what they are selling if they want to stay in business.
    It also depends on how they respond when told that one of their items is not correct.

  7. #46


    Quote by Grofaz45 View Post
    Hi Ralph, What you say is great if this were a perfect world but it isn't and I don't think there would ever be enough back up from other collectors to boycott a particular dealer and through some united front of collectors force dealers to change their ways, much as I would love to see that sort of thing happen I think it's wishful thinking and realistically just ain't gonna happen. Seven days return inspection period is standard business and fair enough so if you don't know or try to find out find out if the piece you bought is good or not in that time then that's really the buyers problem and then down to the good will of the dealer to agree a return after an inspection period. Obviously if they flat refuse to accept a return within the inspection period that's bad business but as it would be stated in their terms and conditions you have legal comeback if necessary through trading standards so why bother to get into a personal argument if refused after the inspection period then you may have a problem but it would be your problem not the dealers it's just business. Don't get me wrong I'm not defending bad deals just saying it is how it is and it's not going to change so just be aware of it and avoid the traps if you have doubt then get advice from other collectors on forums like this one within that inspection period and get your money back and then if you want to try to mobilise the collecting world onto your side fine but it won't make any difference there are plenty of buyers out there. Regards, Andy.
    Hi Andy,
    Let's not talk about return policies, or getting your money back, because that implies that you have already bought a dud. My comment was, "how they respond when they are told that one of their items is fake".
    Unfortunately, there will never be a "united front" because too many collectors think the way you do, i.e. "It'll never happen!"
    Also unfortunately, there are too many collectors that will gladly buy from a bad dealer because they have the knowledge to find "the diamond in the rough", and are happy to be able to beat out another collector because of this. There are even people in this hobby that willingly swindle other collectors, or family members that they buy from, and are happy that they were able to pull the wool over someone's eyes and come out ahead.
    I will never buy from dealers who sell fakes because my morals are more important than my collection.
    Searching for anything relating to, Anton Boos, 934 Stamm. Kp. Pz. Erz. Abt. 7, 3 Kompanie, Panzer-Regiment 2, 16th Panzer-Division (My father)

  8. #47


    I’ll go along with Ralph’s policy ....
    I notice you are from Lincolnshire .. so you probably have had dealings with the main dealer in the Northampton area.
    Again he’s a Dealer that quite often has rubbish advertised as genuine, again he’s been there ever since I started collecting 30 years or more ago.
    It’s not acceptable that a collector like myself can spot a fake, but it’s excusable for a Dealer to miss the obvious....
    Thanks for all the comments here .... but we are in the wrong forum.
    Go too Questionable Internet Sales if posting further comments.

  9. #48


    Hi, Last post on this and I do agree with what you are both saying I just accept the way it is in this hobby no offence meant to you guys I fully respect your stance on this sort of thing. Stevade yes I have had dealings with the Northampton area dealer you mention and am aware of his dodgy dealings but I have had some good stuff from him and even once a Army dagger by a scarce maker that when shown on another forum (6 months after I purchased it so well passed the return period) all members who viewed it told me it was definitely a parts dagger with a tampered with blade and a dodgy mm of course I was gobsmacked and felt totally ripped off, I contacted him told him respectfully what other collectors some being experts had said about the dagger he politely disagreed with me that it was wrong but gave me my money back with no trouble or argument. Just an example of a dealer with a bad reputation doing the right thing but I think it went smoothly for me because I didn't argue with him if he wanted to believe the dagger was good then so be it, it went straight back on his site and was snapped up by someone else. I don't think any dodgy deals or opinions by dealers is acceptable just that they all do it! some more than others but that's the real world so I will buy from any dealer if I am sure the piece is good and the price is right. All the best to you both and hope I have not caused any bad feeling. Cheers, Andy.
    Quote by Stevade View Post
    I’ll go along with Ralph’s policy ....
    I notice you are from Lincolnshire .. so you probably have had dealings with the main dealer in the Northampton area.
    Again he’s a Dealer that quite often has rubbish advertised as genuine, again he’s been there ever since I started collecting 30 years or more ago.
    It’s not acceptable that a collector like myself can spot a fake, but it’s excusable for a Dealer to miss the obvious....
    Thanks for all the comments here .... but we are in the wrong forum.
    Go too Questionable Internet Sales if posting further comments.

  10. #49


    Quote by Grofaz45 View Post
    I don't think any dodgy deals or opinions by dealers is acceptable just that they all do it! some more than others but that's the real world so I will buy from any dealer if I am sure the piece is good and the price is right. All the best to you both and hope I have not caused any bad feeling. Cheers, Andy.
    And so it WILL continue.
    And no, this is a misconception, they don't all do it.
    No hard feelings at all, it just goes to show that some collectors will continue to support bad dealers, if they carry at least some original items.
    Searching for anything relating to, Anton Boos, 934 Stamm. Kp. Pz. Erz. Abt. 7, 3 Kompanie, Panzer-Regiment 2, 16th Panzer-Division (My father)

  11. #50


    The worrying thing is... These fakes are getting better and better, as someone in the Blog stated they still can’t fool the experienced collector!! ..... However we were all beginners once, and 30-40 years ago there wasn’t the Reference Books available then to carry out your research before you bought, you purely went by the Dealers expertise that it was a good one, manufactured 33-45, and like many I did fall for it and got a shock when told it wasn’t correct .... Lesson Learnt!
    I do feel sorry for the New Starters to outlay all that money starting off on their new hobby only to be tucked up by the same dodgy dealers that were doing it 30-40 years ago.. I know cos they are still trading the same old same old dodgy gear but with a new story attached.

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