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Article about: hello forum members, please help in finding information about the soldiers. Best wishes! 1) Werner Wolfmüller 14.04.1921 20.09.1943 Feldwebel Wesermünde 2. Staffel Kampfgeschwader 100 2) S

  1. #121


    Hello Witt , Thank you very much for your help, here is the continuation of the list. Best wishes!

    Willi Haitz 10.01.1924 24.10.1943 Obergefreiter Muggensturm

    Rudolf Karl Otto Hannamann 02.07.1920 17.12.1943 Unteroffizier München

    Ewald Hackert 13.04.1919 12.02.1943 Obergefreiter Beckingen

    Kurt Lehleiter 12.12.1913 26.04.1942 Feldwebel Eßlingen

    Wilhelm Hecker 26.03.1924 30.01.1944 Grenadier Essen

  2. # ADS
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  3. #122


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    Name: Willi Haitz
    Date of birth: 10.1.1924
    Place of birth: Muggensturm
    Death/missing date: 24.10.1943
    Death/missing place: Kirowograd

    A Gefreiter in Stab/Sturm Bataillon Panzer A.O.K. 1

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    Name: Rudolf Hannamann
    Date of birth: 2.7.1920
    Place of birth: München
    Death/missing date: 17.12.1943
    Death/missing place: H.V.Pl Kirowograd

    verstorben: ?
    An Unteroffizier in Stab/Panzerjäger Abteilung 238

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    Name: Ewald Hackert
    Date of birth: 13.4.1919
    Place of birth: Beckingen
    Death/missing date: 12.2.1943
    Death/missing place: Luftwaffe Ortslazarett 2/VIII Kirowograd

    An Obergefreiter in 1./Transport Abteilung 1

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    Name: Kurt Lehleiter
    Date of birth: 12.12.1913
    Place of birth: Eßlingen
    Death/missing date: 26.4.1942
    Death/missing place: 13km südlich Kirowograd, Paraskino

    Unfall: Absturz
    A Feldwebel und Beobachter in 1./Kampfgeschwader 27 “Boelcke”

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    Name: Wilhelm Hecker
    Date of birth: 26.3.1924
    Place of birth: Essen
    Death/missing date: 30.1.1944
    Death/missing place: Tischkowka im kampfraum nordw. Kirowograd

    Gefallen: infanterie geschuß kopf
    A Grenadier in 1./Grenadier Regiment 587

  4. #123


    Hello Witt, will you be able to search for more photos of soldiers from Bobrynets? Best wishes, thank you!

  5. #124


    I have not searched for very long for more photos or information relating to the topic. School work has often been significant enough that I can hardly find the time to do any of my own research. Not to mention the additional fronts I have begun compiling information for. Three new photos and some names were all I could find in my quick search.

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    Search for information about soldiers, new topic

    Two photos in a recent listing taken in September 1941. A crashed I-16 (?) outside of Bobrinez. The second photo contains an inscription providing the names of two other German soldiers that were in Bobrinez at the time. An Unteroffizier Boger, Feldwebel Kuhnel, and a Romanian sentry pose by the wreckage.

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    The portrait photo of Adalbert von Mikulicz-Radecki (24.12.1888-2.5.1958) who from 29.10.1941 was Feldkommandant 679 (FK 679) (subordinated to Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet Süd; the Stab was in room with the 444. Sicherungs-Division was stationed in Kirowograd and then moved to Bobrinez.

  6. #125


    thank you very much Witt

  7. #126


    Hello Witt , Thank you very much for your help, here is the continuation of the list. Best wishes!

    Hans-Heinz Gries 26.07.1910 14.03.1944 Obergefreiter Schwerin
    Wilhelm Lorenz 09.01.1919 17.01.1944 Unteroffizier Lentzke
    Josef Götz 24.10.1913 29.02.1944 Gefreiter Troschenreuth

  8. #127


    There is no one by the name of Hans-Heinz Gries with a casualty card or in the grave records of the Volksbund.

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    Name: Wilhelm Lorenz
    Date of birth: 9.1.1919
    Place of birth: Lentzke
    Death/missing date: 17.1.1944
    Death/missing place: Sanko 2/241 Bobrinez

    Wounded in the stomach on 13.1.1944 fighting 4km westlich Bassowka and died four days later. He was an Unteroffizier in 5./Grenadier Regiment 511.

    Could not find a casualty card for Josef Götz. Fallen 29 February bei Kamyschewaka, 25km nördlich Bobrinez.

  9. #128


    Hello Witt, please help me find information about the soldier: Josef Schedlbauer, December 19, 1943 southeast of Kirovograd, thank you!

  10. #129


    Josef Schedlbauer was a Gefreiter in 6./Panzer Grenadier Regiment 93

    Search for information about soldiers, new topic

    Name: Josef Schedlbauer
    Date of birth: 19.10.1922
    Place of birth: Wenamühle
    Death/missing date: 19.12.1943
    Death/missing place: Novo-Grigorjewka

    Killed by a shot to the chest

  11. #130


    Hello Witt, please help me find information about the soldier: Franz Ksiazek 14.04.1916 - 20.03.1944. Thank you!

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