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75th Anniversary of the fall of Berlin

Article about: Today 75 years ago the city of Berlin was taken by the Soviet army. Here is the original announcement of the Soviet Information Bureau about the surrender of the city of Berlin. 2 м

  1. #11


    Happy Victory Day to all my fellow Russians! С Днём Победы!

    Here is a link to a video I made of a Russian WWII veteran my family and I befriended and talked to on a train ride to Moscow for the Victory Day Parade, who wrote and sung a song during the war about his experiences.

    Here is the link: YouTube

    And here is a rough English translation of the lyrics for those who don't speak Russian:

    Oh cause, my dear cause
    You are dear to a soldiers heart,
    Oh my road at the front
    You have taken me very afar.

    With my inseparable machine gun
    I have been to many a country,
    And everywhere and everyplace
    I was missing my native land.

    Our battalion was stationed in Bucharest,
    Bucharest is not bad of a town,
    Only brothers, let me tell you honestly,
    I would not change it for Torzhok.

    Sofia met us with flowers,
    Hugged us at her gates,
    But Bulgaria is not Russia
    Even though it is a brotherly nation.

    We fought for a long time in Budapest.
    It stands on a cloudy Danube,
    But remembering mother Volga,
    A tear apears in my eye.

    I've beat Germans on streets of Vienna-
    How many beautiful gardens and palaces there are there.
    Yet let me be honest about Vienna-
    It's good but not for a Russian soul.

    With my own two I've walked to the West,
    And arrived at the gates of Berlin.
    Yet nothing better than homeland
    In my trip I have not really found.

    We survived until the Victory,
    And now that the war is at end;
    Brothers perhaps I will come back-
    To the native Soviet land.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement 75th Anniversary of the fall of Berlin
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  3. #12


    27 million Russians died.

    We must never forget that.

    May they Rest In Peace.

  4. #13


    I also thought that I should share some photos of my relatives who fought in the Great Patriotic War in the spirit of Victory Day.

    75th Anniversary of the fall of Berlin75th Anniversary of the fall of Berlin This is my great uncle Anatoly Alekseevich Ignatiev, who served in the 11th Guards Rifle Division, 1st Baltic Front as a machine gunner. He was drafted into the army on January 1st, 1941 at the age of 18, and officially fought in the Patriotic War since January 7th, 1942, where he fought in the Battle of Moscow. after pushing the Germans from Moscow, he and his unit advanced slowly South. During this time, he fought in Oryol, Kursk, Belgorod, Donetsk, Rostov-On-Don, until he reached Krasnodar. The, his unit went back up North and took Bryansk and Smolensk. He made his way through Belarus and entered Lithuania, and died on July 28th, 1944 at the age of 21 during the battle for the city of Alytus. He, along with every single person in his family apart from his mother and one of his sisters fought during the war.

    75th Anniversary of the fall of Berlin This my Great Grandfather. His name was Pyotr Ivanovich Chech. He was born in the Omsk Region in 1927 and started his service at the end of 1944, where he served in the Pacific Fleet as a Soviet Naval Infantryman, and fought in the Invasion of Manchuria in 1945. Sometime along this time, he became the rank of Starshina.

    75th Anniversary of the fall of Berlin75th Anniversary of the fall of Berlin Although I have around 6 relatives I know of that fought in the war, this is the only other one that I know his story of. His name was Nikolai Alekseevich Ignatiev and was Anatoly's brother. He served in the 417th Rifle Division from 1942-1945 as an Anti-Tank Rifleman. His unit mobilized to the South in late 1942, and he first saw major action during the Battle of the Dnieper, where he helped take Luhansk, Donetsk, and Kurgan. Then his unit advanced further west into Ukraine, eventually going down into Crimea, where he helped take over the Oktyabrskoe Train Station, and liberate Sevastopol. Then, from 4.20.44 to 7.4.44, he and his unit advanced all the way up Ukraine to Northern Minsk, taking cities like Gomel and Mogilev until they made it up near Vitebsk, and then proceeded to go and liberate all of Northern Lithuania. They then went into Latvia and fought up near Riga, and in the town of Tukums, which was part of the infamous Courland Pocket, and around 68 km away from Riga, Nikolai was awarded a "Medal for Courage." The citation is quite amazing and goes as follows:

    "The medal 'For Courage' should be awarded to Alekseevich, for the fact that in the battle for the city of Tukums of the Latvian SSR on 19.8.44, he exploded a German armored ammunition car with anti-tank gunfire. in battle was wounded, and shrapnel from the explosion went inside of his knee."

    Till the day he died, he had that piece of shrapnel stuck inside of his knee, and he complained of severe joint pains. He also had some of his fingers torn off. He died February 13th of his year.

    Слава героям России!
    Last edited by PapaStalin1943; 05-11-2020 at 02:44 AM. Reason: I found a photo of Nikolai in uniform!

  5. #14


    Great stories of incredible people. Thanks for share. Keep their memory.


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