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The Battle of Rzhev

Article about: Finally got to watch the Russian 2019 movie ‘Rzhev’ last night. Excellent battle scenes and good detail on the Soviet weapons, uniforms etc. The battle of Rzhev is lesser known than many

  1. #1

    Default The Battle of Rzhev

    Finally got to watch the Russian 2019 movie ‘Rzhev’ last night.
    Excellent battle scenes and good detail on the Soviet weapons, uniforms etc.
    The battle of Rzhev is lesser known than many other Eastern Front battles therefore I have begun to study it in more detail.
    The Battle of Rzhev in the Summer of 1942 was part of a series of battles that lasted 15 months in the centre of the Eastern Front. The Red Army suffered massive casualties for little gain during the fighting, giving the battle a notoriety reflected in its sobriquet: "The Rzhev Meat Grinder".

    I am planning a visit to the incredible monument on my next trip to Russia.

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture The Battle of Rzhev   The Battle of Rzhev  

    The Battle of Rzhev   The Battle of Rzhev  

    The Battle of Rzhev   The Battle of Rzhev  

    Last edited by Woolgar; 07-30-2020 at 11:10 AM.
    "In all my years as a soldier, I have never seen men fight so hard." - SS Obergruppenfuhrer Wilhelm Bittrich - Arnhem

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  3. #2


    Thanks, didn't know about this movie. Will try to find it on DVD.

  4. #3


    Thanks for the information.

  5. #4


    Interesting to see Russian acknowledgment of this battle. There was a documentary made about it in 2009 that was eventually banned in Russia

    Russia to outlaw criticism of WWII tactics - Telegraph

    "Sergei Shoigu, the emergency situations minister, has called for a law that would make it a criminal offence to suggest that the Soviet Union did not win the War. The controversial plan comes after a television documentary exposed the scale of human losses during one of the conflict's bloodiest battles.

    The programme stirred deep emotions in a country that has traditionally glorified the heroic exploits of ordinary soldiers during the 'Great Patriotic War' but has often ignored the immense human cost behind the victory over Nazi Germany.

    As anger among veterans swelled, the government sensed an opportunity to capitalise on the public mood at a time when the threat of economic recession is threatening prime minister Vladimir Putin's popularity."

    "The NTV documentary attempted to address that taboo with a sensitive depiction of the Battles of Rzhev, fought in 1942-3, which killed up to 1.5 million soldiers, two-thirds of them Soviet.

    The battles are little known in Russia, and even Marshall Georgy Zhukov, the Soviet war hero who led the Rzhev operations, barely mentioned them in his biography.

    The documentary showed re-enactments of the battles and included interviews with German war veterans who expressed horror over the manner in which Soviet troops appeared to be used as "cannon-fodder".

    The film was greeted with widespread opprobrium. Critics demanded the arrest of its presenter, the well known news anchor Alexei Pivovarov, who was accused of being part of a Jewish conspiracy financed in the West to belittle the Soviet war effort.

    "It has become the fashion to smear the heroic deeds of the Soviet people and to defame the Soviet way of life," said Ivan Korbutov, a retired general who heads the Russian council of war veterans. "Such actions, orchestrated at the behest of the West to discredit our glorious past, must be brought to court and the journalists responsible punished."

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