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Ammunition crate - beautiful markings - real?

Article about: Just stumbled across this and was wondering if it was WW2 authentic. From Poland with remnants of wax seals on top. (so it is said)

  1. #1

    Default Ammunition crate - beautiful markings - real?

    Just stumbled across this and was wondering if it was WW2 authentic. From Poland with remnants of wax seals on top. (so it is said)

    Ammunition crate - beautiful markings - real? Ammunition crate - beautiful markings - real? Ammunition crate - beautiful markings - real?

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  3. #2

    Default Re: Ammunition crate - beautiful markings - real?

    Something dosent look right i am thinking it is a fake but we will have to see what other say !

  4. #3

    Default Re: Ammunition crate - beautiful markings - real?

    I'd say fake... it looks like the grain in the wood soaked up the stain that they used to "age" the crate... and everything in general looks way too crisp and freshly made.

    Beyond that, it looks like the maker took too much care in applying the markings. I don't think real munitions workers would take the time to make sure the ink stamps were perfect... It doesn't even have storage wear...

    It reminds me of the repro Japanese ammo crates that a member on gunboards is making.

  5. #4

    Default Re: Ammunition crate - beautiful markings - real?

    No wear at all, and the rope looks almost new.
    I wouldn't burn my fingers on it.

  6. #5

    Default Re: Ammunition crate - beautiful markings - real?

    Ankara is in turkey,why would the germans get ammo from there.dont like it at all.

  7. #6

    Default Re: Ammunition crate - beautiful markings - real?

    A Turkish ammunition crate with silly fake German stenciling on it?

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

  8. #7

    Default Re: Ammunition crate - beautiful markings - real?

    Is it ammo box at all? Eagle is of course a fake.

  9. #8

    Default Re: Ammunition crate - beautiful markings - real?

    Agree with the above...
    A Turkish ammunition crate with fake German stenciling (spray paint) on it...

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