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Ammunition Identification of this Crate

Article about: Hey I recently purchased this Box and I'm having trouble this is my first piece of German memorabilia and I am unfamiliar with it, it appears to be rare-ish?, 1939 was the issue date I belie

  1. #1

    Default Ammunition Identification of this Crate

    Ammunition Identification of this CrateAmmunition Identification of this Crate

    Hey I recently purchased this Box and I'm having trouble this is my first piece of German memorabilia and I am unfamiliar with it, it appears to be rare-ish?, 1939 was the issue date I believe. and is for tropical use, so its most likely been to Africa I believe? thats my extent of knowledge I've been able to find, if anyone could lend a hand at more information, This is the only readable sticker on the crate.
    Thanks a lot, Osterhout.

  2. # ADS
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  3. #2
    CBH is offline


    German for sure , ammo of some kind . I'm sure someone will have more information . Welcome to the forum , nice box .

  4. #3


    for use in tropical climate

  5. #4


    Looks like 1500 rounds of rifle ammo for Tropical use

  6. #5


    I think that the only round that you can fit 1500 in there would be 8mm mauser

  7. #6
    CBH is offline


    The hasp looks to be added , also maybe the handle .

  8. #7


    Don't know if this helps.. But I think it's worth looking into. Just for reference and better study as these don't match your item...
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Ammunition Identification of this Crate   Ammunition Identification of this Crate  

    Ammunition Identification of this Crate  
    I'd rather be A "RaD Man than a Mad Man "

  9. #8


    I'll check my steyr 8x56 boxes when I get home. They have a similar label, but odds are 8x57 k98 rounds..

  10. #9


    Look up Lone Sentry on the web for label information. Looks to be rifle ammo issued in 1939 for use in tropical climates. Nz Bl. P indicates it contains some kind of special powder called Nitrozellulospulver - apparently some kind of low flash type. NH

  11. #10


    Its 8x57 mm k98.. Label matches individual boxes of ammunition for sale on the net with actual ammunition inside. Search images for k98 ammunition label... nice find!

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