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"Crate Expectations"

Article about: Hi You don't realise how much junk you have till there comes a time when it needs to be packed up and moved These old boxes are in my attic and are waiting transportation to their new home..

  1. #1

    Default "Crate Expectations"


    You don't realise how much junk you have till there comes a time when it needs to be packed up and moved

    These old boxes are in my attic and are waiting transportation to their new home.....once it's finished.

    I was having a moment and wondering what if I had just found them in an old attic what could be in them ? Sadly i know but thought I could share it with you guys as the other people in the house don't give a ********** other than they are taking up space



    "Crate Expectations"

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  3. #2

    Default Re: "Crate Expectations"

    Well whats in them?! Don't keep us waiting!

  4. #3

    Default Re: "Crate Expectations"

    Pray tell!.....

  5. #4

    Default Re: "Crate Expectations"

    Here you go then..................

    We have medical equipment and a selection of personal items

    "Crate Expectations""Crate Expectations""Crate Expectations""Crate Expectations""Crate Expectations"

    Packed away to keep them safe till I build them a new home....



  6. #5

    Default Re: "Crate Expectations"

    Those are great, time capsules that take you right back to the period when they were put together! Where did you pick these up?

  7. #6

    Default Re: "Crate Expectations"

    Hi dramos

    They are easy(ish) to find in Europe. Lots of old ammo boxes were left lying around. That said they are getting harder to source still in nice condition with the labels.



  8. #7

    Default Re: "Crate Expectations"

    Well lucky you for having a couple in your collection! Each is different and that is what I find great about them

  9. #8

    Default Re: "Crate Expectations"

    What a coincidence ... I also use the "88" Patronenkasten and Patronenkasten 900 to store my stuff .....

    Is that small container with blue label a Tierentgiftungsbüchse ?? (or Pferdeentgiftungsbüchse)


  10. #9

    Default Re: "Crate Expectations"

    Quote by spandau View Post
    Here you go then..................

    We have medical equipment and a selection of personal items

    "Crate Expectations""Crate Expectations""Crate Expectations""Crate Expectations""Crate Expectations"

    Packed away to keep them safe till I build them a new home....


    Very nice Tony a fine selection you have stowed away there I have come across a few of the medical pouches over the years but sadly they had been emptied of there contents a couple still had there supply lists glued on the inner lids though .
    Do any of the examples you have shown still have all of there original contents.

    Regards Mark K

  11. #10

    Default Re: "Crate Expectations"

    Quote by spandau View Post
    "Crate Expectations"
    Haha, excellent!

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