08-24-2009 06:35 AM
Circuit advertisement
re: Map case markings... authentic ?
It looks ok, the patent you mention is off the buckle fastener. This probably pre dates the war and they were trying to protect their invention. I have seen one or two like this I think late war and that is perhaps why they are using this less robust fastener.
re: Map case markings... authentic ?
re: Map case markings... authentic ?
"Brev. SGDG." is french and means "Breveté Sans Garantie Du Gouvernement". Once translated it gives something like "Patented without government warranty".
Foreign Pats could be Foreign Patents
Ges Gesh is for gesetzlich geschützt which means protected by law.
Hard to say something concerning this mapcase. A bit unusual. The front part (once the flap is up) looks like a Luftwaffe one. The closure system is weird...
The sacrifice of life is a huge sacrifice, there is only one that is more terrible, the sacrifice of honor
In Memoriam :
Laurent Huart (1964-2008)
re: Map case markings... authentic ?
This case is absolutely correct. I have the identical case which came directly from the German vet. Mine has the contents as well. The made in Germany stamp is there because I believe these were also exported.
re: Map case markings... authentic ?
Thanks Waffenbruder