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RB (Reichsbetreiber) Manufacturers Codes ?

Article about: Hello, I've just picked up a Tornister backpack with the RB code (manufacturers code) 0/0212/0005 - I was wondering if anyone has any information, in particular of this number or a list of t

  1. #1

    Default RB (Reichsbetreiber) Manufacturers Codes ?

    I've just picked up a Tornister backpack with the RB code (manufacturers code) 0/0212/0005 - I was wondering if anyone has any information, in particular of this number or a list of the different manufacturers codes.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement RB (Reichsbetreiber) Manufacturers Codes ?
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  3. #2

    Default Re: RB (Reichsbetreiber) Manufacturers Codes ?

    Hi Alex, over the years various people have been trying a compile RB number lists. I was in contact with a Danish collector who has since sadly passed away who was building a good list of makers. There is certainly no master list available. Some info here:

    SMC - WWII German - K98 Pouch - Manufacturers RBNr/RFNr

    Cheers, SAde.

  4. #3

    Default Re: RB (Reichsbetreiber) Manufacturers Codes ?

    according to some research (mine and others), the RBNr 0/0212/0005 has already be seen on belts, ammo pouches and now a Tornister, but the maker remains unknown (at least to me)....

    The sacrifice of life is a huge sacrifice, there is only one that is more terrible, the sacrifice of honor

    In Memoriam :
    Laurent Huart (1964-2008)

  5. #4

    Default Re: RB (Reichsbetreiber) Manufacturers Codes ?

    Hello Gentlemen,
    A belated thanks for your postings.
    Best Wishes

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