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Recent find; a 100% original Leica IIIc Luftwaffen-Eigentum camera

Article about: Some photos of my recent find. A WWII Leica IIIC (stepper variant) Luftwaffen-Eigentum. Delivered to the Luftwaffe on 15.10.1940. (serial numbers check out and confirm it) It still has it's

  1. #1

    Default Recent find; a 100% original Leica IIIc Luftwaffen-Eigentum camera

    Some photos of my recent find. A WWII Leica IIIC (stepper variant) Luftwaffen-Eigentum. Delivered to the Luftwaffe on 15.10.1940. (serial numbers check out and confirm it) It still has it's original red shutter curtain. I collect both militaria and vintage cameras. I mostly buy cameras to use but there are some exceptions. This is a camera that I won't use

    Recent find; a 100% original Leica IIIc Luftwaffen-Eigentum cameraRecent find; a 100% original Leica IIIc Luftwaffen-Eigentum cameraRecent find; a 100% original Leica IIIc Luftwaffen-Eigentum camera...

    Does anyone else here own one? Would love to see some more examples.

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    Circuit advertisement Recent find; a 100% original Leica IIIc Luftwaffen-Eigentum camera
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  3. #2
    MAP is offline


    I don't know anything about these but this sure looks fantastic. Meets both of your collecting interests to boot! Can't beat that!

    Now...if it is in working order, I certainly would be tempted to shoot at least one roll of film in it.

    Edit: Maybe at a re-enactor event too boot! In black and white of course
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    My greatest fear is that one day I will die and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them

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  4. #3


    It is in working order but I'd feel silly using it. I have bodies without the engraving that will give exactly the same result! (If I use the same lens ofcourse)..

  5. #4


    Beautiful item, well done.

  6. #5

    Thumbs up

    A classic Leica ; a truly superb collectors item !

  7. #6


    a great find.

  8. #7


    Nice Leica soviets made a few copies of these what i have read...
    btw you happen to have Swastika Minox in your collection?...
    i had this newer model for some time but i sold it for 50 bucks neat little thing kinda remind some Apple products

  9. #8


    Yes, you have to be very careful. I have handled one or two Russian 'Leicas'. They can be quite convincing ( they're usually based on the FED 35mm camera which was itself virtually a direct copy of the Leica ).

    Fortunately, the fakers often can't resist putting a prominent Swastika somewhere or other on the camera to make it 'realistic'. And also, on close inspection, the edges of the engraving a just too 'sharp'.

    But - buyer very much beware !

  10. #9


    What a lovely camera, do you have the case?

  11. #10


    If it works use it!...

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