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unidentified item -please help

Article about: This bag wich I bougth at the flea market (cost me almost nothing) bears a strange inscription inside and a date - " 1 sept. 1939 ". What could it mean in your opinion and is it po

  1. #1

    Default unidentified item -please help

    This bag wich I bougth at the flea market (cost me almost nothing) bears a strange inscription inside and a date - " 1 sept. 1939 ". What could it mean in your opinion and is it posible to be german item - red cross or something?
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture unidentified item -please help   unidentified item -please help  

    unidentified item -please help  

  2. # ADS

  3. #2

    Default Re: unidentified item -please help

    Don't look German, maybe Swiss?


  4. #3

    Default Re: unidentified item -please help

    posible, I heve the idea that it could be for documents

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