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Unknown shells found, need identification! Please help!

Article about: I found these shells in an old barn in Crete... Can you help me ID them? I will post each one's marks and stamps to help you...No. 2-3-5-6 are the same...I haven't included photos of the sta

  1. #1

    Default Unknown shells found, need identification! Please help!

    I found these shells in an old barn in Crete... Can you help me ID them? I will post each one's marks and stamps to help you...No. 2-3-5-6 are the same...I haven't included photos of the stamps except 2 because they are hard to read from the camera view.

    1. "40mm. M25 LOT RCB -1-16 R1944 M38B2 LOP-2-53-44"
    2,3,5,6. "4cm 28 St. amp EX arx 42"
    4. "4cm agl 41 M(eagle with swastika) v/2"
    7. "1921 55 8cm Vz. 11/15"
    8. "Rh.S. CI13nA 105 1938"
    9. "Xr. P315 '40"

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Unknown shells found, need identification! Please help!
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  3. #2

    Default Re: Unknown shells found, need identification! Please help!

    Can't help you, But nice find

  4. #3

    Default Re: Unknown shells found, need identification! Please help!

    Hi, 2,3,4,5,6 are 40x311mm Oerlikon of German make.Number 9 is 20x138B mm also German. These should have been posted in Ordnance and Ammo. To ID the others you need to give the length and diameter of the cases in millimeters.
    Last edited by zwerge; 05-07-2011 at 06:55 PM.

  5. #4

    Default Re: Unknown shells found, need identification! Please help!

    Thanks a lot zwerge! I have one question, the Oerlikon was British right? Did the Germans made ammo for the British guns? I also want to ask you, 2-3-5-6 are identical but 4 is a bit different and has a waffen amp that the other four have not! The size of the five shells is the same though... You can see the waffen amp at the middle photo, rigth place of the shell's bottom. This photo shows the bottom of the No.4 shell of the first photo!

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