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Waffen SS Unit Camera and K.D.F Camera

Article about: Hi guys I'm new to the forum although I've been using it quite a bit to learn about WW2 Militaria. I hope to learn about my collection and share pictures of my collection too. I recently had

  1. #1

    Talking Waffen SS Unit Camera and K.D.F Camera

    Hi guys I'm new to the forum although I've been using it quite a bit to learn about WW2 Militaria. I hope to learn about my collection and share pictures of my collection too.

    I recently had the opportunity to purchase two WW2 cameras. One has the stamp of a Waffen SS Totenkopf unit on the side of the carrying case. The other has Kraft Durch Freude markings to the top of its case.

    Cameras themselves are nice - A Voightlander Brilliant and an Agfa Box Camera. Can anyone help me authenticate the two cases and particularly the SS stamp? What sort of value could be placed upon them?

    I appreciate any help, thankyou.



  2. # ADS

  3. #2

    Default Re: Waffen SS Unit Camera and K.D.F Camera

    KDF might be reasonable and it makes sense, but IMO the SS stamp does not (ok, it makes sense to get the unreasonable price for the combo)!

  4. #3

    Default Re: Waffen SS Unit Camera and K.D.F Camera

    The stamp is fake.

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