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Wwii german army entrenching shovel carrier

Article about: Dear Friends , Hope you are all fine? I will be very grateful if my friends can help me identifying & knowing if the folding shovel carrier Jml Munchen 1943 is fake or Authentic before b

  1. #1

    Default Wwii german army entrenching shovel carrier

    Dear Friends ,
    Hope you are all fine?
    I will be very grateful if my friends can help me identifying & knowing if the folding shovel carrier Jml Munchen 1943 is fake or Authentic before buying it???
    thanks in advance for your help 7 cooperation.
    Besr Regards
    Wwii german army entrenching shovel carrierWwii german army entrenching shovel carrierWwii german army entrenching shovel carrierWwii german army entrenching shovel carrierWwii german army entrenching shovel carrier

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Wwii german army entrenching shovel carrier
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  3. #2

    Default Re: Wwii german army entrenching shovel carrier

    Looks good to me, appears unissued. Let's see what the others have to say...

  4. #3

    Default Re: Wwii german army entrenching shovel carrier

    Seems to be OK! My only concern would be that it looks to good!! But hey, if it did get left at the back of the depot it's a winner!Nice to see that the rivets have only got moisture rot on one side of the item ,that suggests it has laid still for some time so i would go for it.

  5. #4

    Default Re: Wwii german army entrenching shovel carrier

    It comes with unissued folding shovel asking price 300$ Attachment 374234Attachment 374235Attachment 374236

  6. #5

    Default Re: Wwii german army entrenching shovel carrier

  7. #6

    Default Re: Wwii german army entrenching shovel carrier

    Attachments aren't working for me...

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