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Wwii german army entrenching shovel carrier

Article about: Dear friends Please help needed on WW2 folding shovel carrier ??? Fake or period to WW2

  1. #1

    Default Wwii german army entrenching shovel carrier

    Dear friends
    Please help needed on WW2 folding shovel carrier ???
    Fake or period to WW2
    Wwii german army entrenching shovel  carrierWwii german army entrenching shovel  carrierWwii german army entrenching shovel  carrierWwii german army entrenching shovel  carrierWwii german army entrenching shovel  carrier

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  3. #2

    Default Re: Wwii german army entrenching shovel carrier

    Hang on, have'nt we been here?If it's the same set up i think it is good, just a very nice untouched bit of kit!!!

  4. #3

    Default Re: Wwii german army entrenching shovel carrier

    This is the same one we looked at just a day or two ago...It's still an original carrier, appears unissued...

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