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German full metal shovel

Article about: Hello, after a long break I want to show you something new from my e-tool collection. A very nice German all-metal shovel. The logo shows a pentagram with 2 letters in it, I think "SN&q

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    Default German full metal shovel


    after a long break I want to show you something new from my e-tool collection.
    A very nice German all-metal shovel.

    The logo shows a pentagram with 2 letters in it, I think "SN". So far the manufactuerer is still unknown to me.
    Next to it is the workshop/depot marking "T.D. VIII" which stands for Traindepot VIII of course.

    From my current point of view I would date the manufacturing time of them to the late 1890s.
    Unfortunately there are no documents known to me, but I suspect the German army bought a pile for testing.
    I hope to find out more about the history of this very interesting shovel model.
    In any case, from relic finds we know that this all-metal shovels were used in WW1.

    Best regards,

    German full metal shovel

    German full metal shovel

    German full metal shovel

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