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World war 1 German Gas Mask

Article about: Nice gasmask! As for value, you can usually find these in this condition running anywhere from, maybe, \\$225-300, just to give you a kind of high end/low end idea. William (I accept gifts Too

  1. #1

    Default World war 1 German Gas Mask

    picture 1 is just the gas mask tin nothing special

    picture 2 is the top of the tin this is sort of odd because it has a T painted up there

    Now this is why im postin this in the forum it makes no sense why would a world war 1 gas mask have a swastika carved in the container and it is carved into the metal it isnt stamped or anything

    spare lenses possibly anti fog

    this is the mask it has a smell that is half old leather half something burning but the filter is only the smell and its disgusting not like a poison gas

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  3. #2

    Default Re: World war 1 German Gas Mask

    Hi and welcome to the forum! The swastika is weird.
    A nice gasmask though! I always wanted one of these, but they are a little bit to pricey IMO.
    Thanks for showing.


  4. #3

    Default Re: World war 1 German Gas Mask

    Bear in mind the swastika was used long before the Nazis adopted it. It was used as a unit symbol on occasion by air force, post war by the Friekorps, etc. Of course it was a good luck symbol too. I would suggest it is just soldiers artwork?

    Cheers, Ade.

  5. #4

    Default Re: World war 1 German Gas Mask

    Maybe someone from WW2 did it?

  6. #5

    Default Re: World war 1 German Gas Mask

    Thats very interesting. I've always wanted one of these but they are expensive, especially when you're 15 and have next to no expendable income

    Beauty example though!

  7. #6

    Default Re: World war 1 German Gas Mask

    Herr Richtofen, indeed welcome to the forum...a nice Model 1917 "Lederschutzmaske" and tin, I agree with Ade on the markings....complete with spare lenses, these were carried as it was impossible for the wearer to clean the lens on the inside of the mask as he had done on the previous model (by inserting fingers between mask and face), as this new model had a two layer lens, an outside lens permantly affixed to the mask body (using Acetyl-cellulose) and a removable inner lens (fixed with gelatin and cellulose). This mask appears to have lost its small strap/rope, supporting the weight of the filter from the harness straps over the nose to the filter attachment. Any WW1 German gas mask set is now worth a premium ! Interesting note, these leather masks were made from dog skin or other skins fom animals that did not have sweat glands, i.e. without pores so that gas could not seep through ! Prost ! Steve.

  8. #7

    Default Re: World war 1 German Gas Mask

    Quote by oradour View Post
    Herr Richtofen, indeed welcome to the forum...a nice Model 1917 "Lederschutzmaske" and tin, I agree with Ade on the markings....complete with spare lenses, these were carried as it was impossible for the wearer to clean the lens on the inside of the mask as he had done on the previous model (by inserting fingers between mask and face), as this new model had a two layer lens, an outside lens permantly affixed to the mask body (using Acetyl-cellulose) and a removable inner lens (fixed with gelatin and cellulose). This mask appears to have lost its small strap/rope, supporting the weight of the filter from the harness straps over the nose to the filter attachment. Any WW1 German gas mask set is now worth a premium ! Interesting note, these leather masks were made from dog skin or other skins fom animals that did not have sweat glands, i.e. without pores so that gas could not seep through ! Prost ! Steve.
    h i steve you wouldn't happen to know the worth of something like this because i have just acquired one from a secondhand store in almost exactly the same condition

  9. #8

    Default Re: World war 1 German Gas Mask

    That thing is awesome!

  10. #9

    Default Re: World war 1 German Gas Mask

    anyone know the going rate for one of these im trying to sell or give as gift and i cant decide?!

  11. #10

    Default Re: World war 1 German Gas Mask

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