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Thomas Wittmann Seminar - Police Bayonets

Article about: An examination and study into the Third Reich Police Bayonets WAM Hobby Journal #11 - Police Bayonets - YouTube

  1. #1

    Default Thomas Wittmann Seminar - Police Bayonets

    An examination and study into the Third Reich Police Bayonets

    Police Bayonets
    It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!! - Larry C

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill

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    I was actually a bit disappointed in the seminar. It was 40+ minutes but half was devoted to articles in Tom's collection and a history lesson. While it was a decent primer for the subject, the topic of police bayonets is quite deep and I was hoping he would have delved into more variants, clamshells, Feldjägerkorps, etc

  4. #3


    Quote by Billy G View Post
    I was actually a bit disappointed in the seminar. It was 40+ minutes but half was devoted to articles in Tom's collection and a history lesson. While it was a decent primer for the subject, the topic of police bayonets is quite deep and I was hoping he would have delved into more variants, clamshells, Feldjägerkorps, etc
    I had a similar reaction in that the topic on Police bayonets is a fairly deep one that could have been expanded to increase the viewers knowledge. I also (full disclosure) am one of those who does not believe the (collectors myth IMO) as it regards the P.S.S. bayonets - which he acknowledged has seen some disputing their significance. As discussed on another forum the only "in use" photo to date shows the bayonets worn by some low level ordinary uniformed Police personnel. I was also somewhat surprised by his failing to acknowledge the existence of the S. 84/98 government issue types. Best Regards, Fred

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