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Is this a WWI bayonet converted for WWII Police use, and what are the unit markings? Thx!!!

Article about: The Holler inscription seems to be older than other WWII bayonets I'm seeing? What do the unit markings refer to? Thx in advance ;-)

  1. #1

    Default Is this a WWI bayonet converted for WWII Police use, and what are the unit markings? Thx!!!

    The Holler inscription seems to be older than other WWII bayonets I'm seeing? What do the unit markings refer to?

    Thx in advance ;-)

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  3. #2

    Default Re: Is this a WWI bayonet converted for WWII Police use, and what are the unit markings? Thx!!!

    These bayonets was produced before the TR, for the German police in the Weimar Republic.
    When NSPD advent to power in Germany, these bayonets was changed.
    Blade was cut of, bayonet grip and scabbard also.
    The old badges on the grip was removed, and placed a new one, with a swastika.
    On your written Solingen, but stamp during the during the process of hammering, was not well centered.
    These bayonet was belonged to administrative district Düsseldorf, unit 451.

    Last edited by Rancid66; 04-02-2013 at 05:59 AM.

  4. #3

    Default Re: Is this a WWI bayonet converted for WWII Police use, and what are the unit markings? Thx!!!

    Ok, thx much for the info.

    Is the actual bayonet version worth more, or this non bayonet version. Or what is rarer?

  5. #4

    Default Re: Is this a WWI bayonet converted for WWII Police use, and what are the unit markings? Thx!!!

    Good to see you back Kieth
    It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!! - Larry C

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill

  6. #5

    Default Re: Is this a WWI bayonet converted for WWII Police use, and what are the unit markings? Thx!!!

    Thx Larry ;-)

    Those were not my pics (in case you couldn't tell ;-) but I did drop everything to go get that thing, man what a beauty!!!

    Weird thing is I just picked up something very similar last week, that's two woodwork finds in one week!

    The other I see people call a "Luftwaffe dress bayonet", it's a really nice Alcoso stag horn dress bayonet, that one with the actual bayonet slot/release button, and a real sweet frog on it, Ribbit!!!

    I might get time to get some pics up in the morning?

    I should probably start a new thread?

    Funny thing is I'd always sort of lusted after one of these Police bayonets with the eagle in the grip, but never went out of my way to get one, and they go for too much $$$ for my paltry budget... Then this one pops up just down the road from me. Man, is it ever a looker!!!

  7. #6

    Default Re: Is this a WWI bayonet converted for WWII Police use, and what are the unit markings? Thx!!!

    Holler is not a commonly seen maker's mark on Polizei bayonets, particularly this early mark. Very nice looking bayonet.

  8. #7

    Default Re: Is this a WWI bayonet converted for WWII Police use, and what are the unit markings? Thx!!!

    I believe the slotted versions are more scarce than the unslotted bayonets.
    Here's some images of my slotted example.

    Is this a WWI bayonet converted for WWII Police use, and what are the unit markings? Thx!!!Is this a WWI bayonet converted for WWII Police use, and what are the unit markings? Thx!!!Is this a WWI bayonet converted for WWII Police use, and what are the unit markings? Thx!!!Is this a WWI bayonet converted for WWII Police use, and what are the unit markings? Thx!!!

    They are truly beautiful things IMO.
    All the best

  9. #8

    Default Re: Is this a WWI bayonet converted for WWII Police use, and what are the unit markings? Thx!!!

    Real beauty, mate ;-)

    I'll try to post some of mine shortly.

  10. #9

    Default Re: Is this a WWI bayonet converted for WWII Police use, and what are the unit markings? Thx!!!

    Some very nice looking German Police service bayonets, there was another type that seems to have been carried by the Polizei Division. Being what appears to be the longer conventional WW I era blued/reworked 98/05 bayonets seen here in this photo. Which (presumably) was because there were not enough of the standard Police issue 98K (SG 84/98) bayonets available for issue to the more combat oriented forces/units. Fred
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Is this a WWI bayonet converted for WWII Police use, and what are the unit markings? Thx!!!  

  11. #10

    Default Re: Is this a WWI bayonet converted for WWII Police use, and what are the unit markings? Thx!!!

    After looking at it a little more closely - I'm going to have to change my opinion of the bayonet in the above photo. Now believing it to be a Vz 24(t). Regards to all, Fred

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