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Collection of Soviet Military Flags

Article about: I picked up these flags to suppliment the uniforms in my collection. 1. The Naval Flag with the Green is an uncommon Soviet Naval Border Guard ship's flag.(Coast Guard) 2. Naval Guards flag

  1. #1

    Default Collection of Soviet Military Flags

    I picked up these flags to suppliment the uniforms in my collection.

    1. The Naval Flag with the Green is an uncommon Soviet Naval Border Guard ship's flag.(Coast Guard)

    2. Naval Guards flag

    3. Naval Supreme Command flag

    4. Army Airborne Flag.

    I hope that you enjoy the photos. I need to find some Naval flags with the ORB and as well as those with other awards printed onto them.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Collection of Soviet Military Flags   Collection of Soviet Military Flags  

    Collection of Soviet Military Flags   Collection of Soviet Military Flags  

    Collection of Soviet Military Flags  

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  3. #2

    Default Re: Collection of Soviet Military Flags

    Cool flags. I have one of the same type as your #2 the Naval guards flag.


    Whatever its just an opinion.

  4. #3

    Default Re: Collection of Soviet Military Flags

    Thanks Bond. I really like the Guards flag as well. All I need is to find some with an Order of the Red Banner or etc on it!

  5. #4

    Default Re: Collection of Soviet Military Flags

    Airborn and Coastal guard of KGB is a rare birds, even 20 years after the fall of USSR, I think these flags will be very scarce over a couple of years, even today- I can't find one for me

    my Skype: warrelics

  6. #5

    Default Re: Collection of Soviet Military Flags

    If I see another Naval Border Guard flag, I will show it your way. I bought it to accompany my Naval Border Guard uniform, which is posted in my Cold War Uniforms thread.

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