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Flag/Standarte Pictures for book research seeked

Article about: Hello friends, as some of you may know I am writing a book on the history of the town of Mannheim and its surrending villages from 1933-45. It will enclude all of Mannheims Bunkers, the kase

  1. #1

    Default Flag/Standarte Pictures for book research seeked

    Hello friends,

    as some of you may know I am writing a book on the history of the town of Mannheim and its surrending villages from 1933-45. It will enclude all of Mannheims Bunkers, the kasernes and of courese the NSDAP party, HJ, BDM, ect . Also the villages around the city will be encluded, since they all were encluded a in Bann 171. I have been thru some of the citys archives and found many things. I was able to locate several SA Stumnummern ect.
    I would like to enclude also pictures of the standarts, Ortsgruppenflagen ect for each town. Since most of those "flags' were either captured by the comming americans and taken home as a suveniers I would like to ask here in the forum if anyone has a flag of the following towns at home and would be so nice to send me a picture of it. If wanted I will put the name under the picture in my book.
    Here are the towns:

    1. Mannheim
    1. Hockenheim, Stadt
    2. Ladenburg, Stadt
    3. Schwetzingen, Stadt
    4. Weinheim, Stadt

    5. Altlußheim
    6. Brühl
    7. Edingen
    8. Großsachsen
    9. Heddesheim
    10. Hemsbach
    11. Hohensachsen
    12. Ilvesheim
    13. Ketsch
    14. Laudenbach
    15. Leutershausen
    16. Lützelsachsen
    17. Neckarhausen
    18. Neulußheim
    19. Oberflockenbach
    20. Oftersheim
    21. Plankstadt
    22. Reilingen
    23. Rippenweier
    24. Ritschweier
    25. Schriesheim
    26. Sulzbach
    27. Ursenbach

    All town are in the vicinity of Mannheim.
    Any help is very appreciated.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Flag/Standarte Pictures for book research seeked
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  3. #2

    Default Hope this is helpful

    Flag/Standarte Pictures for book research seeked


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