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Possible SS unit(?) flag - looking for input!

Article about: Hello all, I was at the sale of a local picker who's been in the game for over 50 years. I asked him if he had any WWII treasures hiding and he said he did, but it was likely out of my price

  1. #1

    Default Possible SS unit(?) flag - looking for input!

    Hello all,

    I was at the sale of a local picker who's been in the game for over 50 years. I asked him if he had any WWII treasures hiding and he said he did, but it was likely out of my price range. Here is what he pulled out of a plastic tote, an SS flag/banner with a viking ship! There are also two small pennants and a cummerbund from the same person, those these appear to be beer and sports related? There's a photo album as well, but appears to be prewar family and not related military service. I wasn't able to get photos of album or dig into it much as the sale was busy and I didn't want to intrude too much.

    I've looked at numerous posts here and didn't see one exactly like it, either fake or real.

    The story goes this was purchased from the family of the person who carried the banner, supposedly from Norway. We have a large Norwegian population here so it's certainly plausible. The current seller is very honest and has always been very upfront with me if he thinks there's any chance something isn't genuine. He was happy to let me snap pictures for further research. The hanging loops to me look like something that would have had a rod or stick and be suspended from the ceiling in a building or barracks?

    Bottom line, I know there's some of you fine folk on this forum who know far more than I'll likely ever know about flags and textiles of the age. I'd love to get some opinions on what exactly I'm looking at and if it's original. I tried to get good photos but it was a little rushed. If there's other photos needed I can try and arrange to view it again and get them. Thanks as always for the help, I greatly appreciate it.

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Possible SS unit(?) flag - looking for input!   Possible SS unit(?) flag - looking for input!  

    Possible SS unit(?) flag - looking for input!   Possible SS unit(?) flag - looking for input!  

    Possible SS unit(?) flag - looking for input!   Possible SS unit(?) flag - looking for input!  

    Possible SS unit(?) flag - looking for input!   Possible SS unit(?) flag - looking for input!  

    Possible SS unit(?) flag - looking for input!  

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  3. #2
    CBH is offline


    The Viking Ship represents, 5 SS Panzer Division Wiking.
    The unit was made up from Germania, Westland and Nordland.
    They had a large Norwegian component.
    Interesting flag, hope you get some comments.

  4. #3



    Thank you for confirming what I was hoping as far as the marking being 5th Panzer Div. We'll see what others have to say as far as the originality.


  5. #4
    CBH is offline


    Some close up photos of the ships stitching might help.
    Also a UV light test would be useful if you have one.
    A burn test on any loose threads if there are any, it should burn not melt.

  6. #5


    IMO, not the correct binding, or mount, for a flag, and the runes and emblem are oriented incorrectly for a banner.
    As Chris has said, a closer look at the stitching would help.
    Searching for anything relating to, Anton Boos, 934 Stamm. Kp. Pz. Erz. Abt. 7, 3 Kompanie, Panzer-Regiment 2, 16th Panzer-Division (My father)

  7. #6


    Quote by rbminis View Post
    IMO, not the correct binding, or mount, for a flag, and the runes and emblem are oriented incorrectly for a banner.
    As Chris has said, a closer look at the stitching would help.
    Hi Ralph, Great point about the mounting, I was so distracted by everything else I didn't notice the orientation was odd.

    I'm adding a couple close ups I grabbed, hopefully they help. I'll try and arrange to test with a UV light and see if there's any loose threads to try the burn test on as well.

    Thanks again for the help!

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Possible SS unit(?) flag - looking for input!   Possible SS unit(?) flag - looking for input!  

    Possible SS unit(?) flag - looking for input!   Possible SS unit(?) flag - looking for input!  

  8. #7
    CBH is offline


    It looks well built from the photos, also a photo of the whole pole edge, and look for any nail holes on the top attachment loop. It seems I remember seeing a photo or video of a TR flag being marched in a parade with loop style attachments, I’ll check in some of my books.

  9. #8


    Hi all,

    thought I'd post a little update. No new photos, but it does pass the UV light test and the burn test. I did find a photo (attached) of this style mounting being used in a parade so I'd say it's possible that was it's purpose. I couldn't find evidence of a large nail hole in the hanging loops, but given the weave, it's possible there is one but just small enough not to have caused damage. The fabric is reinforced in a manner that suggests it was intended to be flown.

    I also got a little more back story on when the items were purchased 45+ years ago. They were found in an old trunk all together. The family said they had hidden them away, for obvious reasons, after coming to the US after WWII. They were indeed purchased in an area that has a very large Norwegian population.

    It seems evidence is mounting that this flag is original, to the era at least, but is it possible it's a fantasy flag of some sort, or possibly one of a kind? From my research it sounds like this particular unit was absorbed fairly quickly and changed designation. I know we don't do valuation here, but if real, would this be in the neighborhood of an SS Dienstdolch, or would a flag carry a lesser price tag? I've only ever dealt with NSDAP banners/flags because the runed ones are so often faked I just steered clear of them.

    Thanks as always for the help and support!

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Possible SS unit(?) flag - looking for input!  

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