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Wehrmacht Spielzeug Standarte

Article about: I've seen this for sale. Great workmanship, and looks period. Way outside my budget but I thought I would post it as I have not seen one here before.

  1. #1

    Default Wehrmacht Spielzeug Standarte

    I've seen this for sale. Great workmanship, and looks period. Way outside my budget but I thought I would post it as I have not seen one here before.Wehrmacht Spielzeug StandarteWehrmacht Spielzeug StandarteWehrmacht Spielzeug Standarte

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Wehrmacht Spielzeug Standarte
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  3. #2


    There is a fair bit on this reproduction flag posted up on the WAF, it was apparently for sale at the recent SOS for a huge amount of money...


  4. #3


    Thanks Bob. Who is responsible for the workmanship - it looks stunning, fake or not. Is there only one or were several made?

  5. #4


    Hi Al,

    I don't know who was behind the manufacture of it, but they went all out, it is superbly done, and must have cost a small fortune to replicate when it was made.

    I will see if I can find the various threads on the WAF, and see what else was said about it.



  6. #5


    Where did you get the frame from?

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