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HJ and Heer buckles

Article about: Two buckles which I’ve recently purchased. HJ marked 'RZM M5/276' and looks to be unissued. Heer buckle dated 1937.

  1. #1

    Default HJ and Heer buckles

    Two buckles which I’ve recently purchased. HJ marked 'RZM M5/276' and looks to be unissued. Heer buckle dated 1937.
    Attached Images Attached Images HJ and Heer buckles  HJ and Heer buckles  HJ and Heer buckles  HJ and Heer buckles  HJ and Heer buckles  HJ and Heer buckles  HJ and Heer buckles 

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  3. #2


    M5/276 is Klein and Quenzer, there were three types of HJ buckles produced by this firm, notice the differences..
    Attached Images Attached Images HJ and Heer buckles 
    I'd rather be A "RaD Man than a Mad Man "

  4. #3


    Would you say the HJ buckle is a fake then? I was purchased from a reputable seller. Ulric of England

  5. #4


    Please see additional image
    Attached Images Attached Images HJ and Heer buckles 

  6. #5


    Quote by Tinhatman View Post
    Would you say the HJ buckle is a fake then? I was purchased from a reputable seller. Ulric of England
    Thanks for the better photo, original buckle !!
    I'd rather be A "RaD Man than a Mad Man "

  7. #6


    On a side note, you are lucky, Ulrich of England has burned many collectors in the past, myself included.
    I'd rather be A "RaD Man than a Mad Man "

  8. #7


    Burned in what way? I’m yet to receive them but have been assured they will be dispatched either Tuesday or Wednesday this week.

  9. #8


    Usually, at least at the time, when an item was purchased, it was removed from the website as soon as it was ordered, I purchased a very rare RAD buckle with a hefty price tag, they sent me a spray painted belt and a crappy non RAD buckle, I wish I would have taken a screen shot to back up my claim...
    I'd rather be A "RaD Man than a Mad Man "

  10. #9


    That’s terrible. Did you try to contact him? Did you get your money back?

  11. #10


    Contacted them back and forth then gave up, lesson learned.
    I'd rather be A "RaD Man than a Mad Man "

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