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SS Shoulder strap

Article about: I want to purchase this. It’s on Ratisbon but I know that sometimes fakes make their way to the website. Is this a genuine SS shoulder strap used in parades? I am wanting to purchase it. A

  1. #1

    Default SS Shoulder strap

    SS Shoulder strap

    I want to purchase this. It’s on Ratisbon but I know that sometimes fakes make their way to the website. Is this a genuine SS shoulder strap used in parades? I am wanting to purchase it.

    Also if this is in the wrong area please move it to the correct place. Sorry in advance if this isn’t the place to post it!

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement SS Shoulder strap
    Join Date

  3. #2


    Without an SS marking/acceptance it will be difficult to establish membership in the SS.
    In addition to the SS, it may also have been used by the HJ/DJ, the NSBO ​​or the NSKK..
    The kabl

  4. #3


    Pardon my ignorance, I don’t know a lot. Did those groups use the same type of shoulder straps? My main interest isn’t “this absolutely 5000% belonged to an SS guy”, but “This shoulder strap is the same shoulder strap used by the SS.”

    As in, someone in the SS and the NSKK could look at each other and say “We have the exact same shoulder straps.”

  5. #4


    Quote by Ludickes View Post

    As in, someone in the SS and the NSKK could look at each other and say “We have the exact same shoulder straps.”
    Yes... This is the problem.... Without proof (SS contract number)/ownership stamp, it could really have been used by both...
    They are identical (twins).

  6. #5


    So the strap could have been used by either. They used the same make and type of shoulder strap? For me, it doesn’t matter if it belonged specifically to someone in the SS.

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