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Unknown Makers

Article about: Hi guys, for those that dont know I am always looking to uncover new makers and find the missing links to the M4 makers list. A member of the WAF forum has a Tunnerbund buckle with the maker

  1. #1

    Default Unknown Makers

    Hi guys, for those that dont know I am always looking to uncover new makers and find the missing links to the M4 makers list. A member of the WAF forum has a Tunnerbund buckle with the maker V & Co, has anyone any information on this maker at all?


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  3. #2

    Default Re: Unknown Makers

    Hey Ben! Here's a buckle with a maker that I have yet to ID....There's a very good possibility that the swastika was added post war - but it's done so precisely and neatly, I find it hard to imagine that someone would go through so much trouble to do this on a "common" buckle.
    In any case....swastika the maker mark one that you recognize? I'm drawing a blank....


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  4. #3

    Default Re: Unknown Makers

    Hey Rob interesting buckle and another maker mark I have not seen yet I believe the buckle was denazified and the swazstika put on post war

  5. #4

    Default Re: Unknown Makers

    I would agree with Ben.

    Cheers, Ade.

  6. #5

    Default Re: Unknown Makers

    Hey Guys! Yes, I too lean quite strongly to a post war application. It's just that it was done so nicely! Very professional looking. I think the fact you see the stamp on the reverse showing where the original swas was shows that this is not a manufactured piece in this condition.
    I'm more interested in the maker mark.....wish I could ID it but in the years I've had this buckle - no one seems to recognize it.



  7. #6

    Default Re: Unknown Makers

    Possibly Wilhelm Binder ??

  8. #7

    Default Re: Unknown Makers

    The buckle is indeed Wilhelm Binder

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