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what a buckle?

Article about: Hello, to which organization they belong buckles?

  1. #1

    Default what a buckle?

    Hello, to which organization they belong buckles?
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture what a buckle?  

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  3. #2


    Where did you find this picture? I have never seen them but I'm a beginner in the buckle world.
    But the lower one has a Kriegsmarine anchor.
    Are these fantasy buckles?? Or have I some homework to do?

  4. #3


    The provided pictures are too small to see.. But, I also must admit these look bad to me and probably are
    not genuine... And why not real examples but mere "Cartoonish" drawings ??... G
    I'd rather be A "RaD Man than a Mad Man "

  5. #4


    The drawings come from the book cover Angola - Belt buckles & brocades of the Third Reich, I'm thinking that is anchored to a prototype, and the other belonged to any political organization, but perhaps also porototype

  6. #5


    Neither prototypes or period suggestions and instead, modern fantasy nonsense.



  7. #6


    I believe the book says they are artist concepts of buckles that were proposed and never produced. Lots of stuff never gets past the drawing board.
    Last edited by kirby; 04-10-2016 at 05:54 AM.

  8. #7


    I thought that looked like a pic from a book

  9. #8


    Never seen anything like it so I agree with above, a concept from someones head!


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