Wilhelm Binder's maker mark.. For discussion... I believe "Kenny" Wewelsburg" has hit on a great point here.. And worthy of different points of view... G
Wilhelm Binder's maker mark.. For discussion... I believe "Kenny" Wewelsburg" has hit on a great point here.. And worthy of different points of view... G
I'd rather be A "RaD Man than a Mad Man "
Guys, a lot of info can be found on the WWW, for example this buckle for years was known by a maker Mathias Kutz, where in reality the maker is Max Kamper as I discovered a couple of years ago
This Nottebohm was again unknown for a few years until this this turned up
Various other makers of all sorts
This is very interesting so I will try to do some research. It seems like Wilhelm Binder did silverware and then used what they called the "Floreat" trademark:
Here is the symol with the word "Floreat", so it seems like the symbol is some kind of "F"
Scroll down and read, you maybe understand a little bit more then me about the symbol:
ASCAS Association of Small Collectors of Antique Silver - Newsletter #104
Mikrolisk - The horological trade mark index
Floreat = Flourish in Latin... and it looks like Wilhelm liked flowers?
Hahaha I love that F.Herder had a symbol/mark with the name "Don Carlos"
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