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1936 Nuremberg postcard. Identifying these 2 officers.

Article about: It would be interesting to identify these 2 and their rank if possible. Thank-you.

  1. #1

    Default 1936 Nuremberg postcard. Identifying these 2 officers.

    It would be interesting to identify these 2 and their rank if possible. Thank-you.1936 Nuremberg postcard. Identifying these 2 officers.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement 1936 Nuremberg postcard. Identifying these 2 officers.
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  3. #2


    I believe that the man holding the newspaper is Julius Schreck...An early SS Member and Hitler's Personal Bodyguard & Driver...
    Not sure about the man on the left...
    cheers, Glenn
    Attached Images Attached Images 1936 Nuremberg postcard. Identifying these 2 officers. 

  4. #3


    That's very interesting. I didn't think a photo would be taken of two men at Nuremberg that were not notable in some way. Thanks Glenn.

  5. #4


    I actually think this photo was taken before the 1936 Nurnberg Rally -During the Rehearsal/Planning Stage- as Julius Schreck passed away in May 1936 while the Rally was held in September...
    cheers, Glenn

  6. #5


    Two Political Leaders of the NSDAP, but I can't ID them. The man on the right is not Schreck.

  7. #6


    Quote by HPL2008 View Post
    Two Political Leaders of the NSDAP, but I can't ID them. The man on the right is not Schreck.
    Thank You, Andreas! I gladly stand corrected...
    cheers, Glenn

  8. #7


    A long shot here, could on the left be Reiner Stahel?

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