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Can anyone ID tghis vehicle pennant?

Article about: I think, buit am not 100% sure this is Rommel. Does anyone recoginize the pennant on the Horch? Thanks.

  1. #1

    Default Can anyone ID tghis vehicle pennant?

    I think, buit am not 100% sure this is Rommel. Does anyone recoginize the pennant on the Horch? Thanks.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Can anyone ID tghis vehicle pennant?  

  2. # ADS

  3. #2

    Default Re: Can anyone ID tghis vehicle pennant?

    That is the flag for the commander of a division.It is black on top and red on the bottom.

  4. #3

    Default Re: Can anyone ID tghis vehicle pennant?

    Thanks for the info!

  5. #4

    Default Re: Can anyone ID tghis vehicle pennant?

    I have a si milar pennant. It is enclosed in clear plastice, and is bound in red leather. any idea what IT is?
    Attached Images Attached Images Can anyone ID tghis vehicle pennant? 

  6. #5

    Default Re: Can anyone ID tghis vehicle pennant?

    Thats what I thought but looks same colour top and bottom so could also be...
    Assault Engineer Vehicle Pennant Black top & bottom?
    Thats a question as im not 100%....

  7. #6

    Default Re: Can anyone ID tghis vehicle pennant?

    Thats defo A Division Vehicle Pennant

  8. #7

    Default Re: Can anyone ID tghis vehicle pennant?

    hello Odessa 1
    it´s a "Horch 901" komander vihicle on the door ist the divison´s symbol "Y..." i am not shure can be a tak unit
    regards Peter

  9. #8

    Default Re: Can anyone ID tghis vehicle pennant?

    The "Y" symbol on the door is inverted ( upside down ) this would be for 3 panzer division which was part of 5 Leichte division.

  10. #9

    Default Re: Can anyone ID tghis vehicle pennant?

    Inverted Y with three dots was the symbol of the 7.Panzer Division which was under the command of Rommel during the French campaign.

  11. #10

    Default Re: Can anyone ID tghis vehicle pennant?

    You are probably right as my example only has 2 dots.

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