Heres a picture of my Great Uncle getting married in his Allgemine SS uniform, he was a very early member of the NSDAP also took part in the 9 Nov 23 Munich March, he was awarded the Blood Order - He was killed in Italy.
Heres a picture of my Great Uncle getting married in his Allgemine SS uniform, he was a very early member of the NSDAP also took part in the 9 Nov 23 Munich March, he was awarded the Blood Order - He was killed in Italy.
"He who hesitates is lost - is not only lost but miles from the next exit"
Horst do you have his Blood Order metal?
I did have it at one time but no longer, its a long story
He was awarded number 1279 as is reflected in the Blood Order list enclosed -
"He who hesitates is lost - is not only lost but miles from the next exit"
It would be nice possibly one of the members can help but as I said "its a long story" -I do know its out there some place -
"He who hesitates is lost - is not only lost but miles from the next exit"
Hi Horst
Interesting picture, I would love to hear the story behind that "Blutorden" someday...
I have a picture of some of my family members standing before a Canadian tank in september 1944 during the liberation, I may post it later...
Nick VR
Please don't tell us it was stolen
I had been doing some research to find out the history on some of the medals I have. I have found this to be a very interesting subject. I noticed the blood order list you had in the post and was curious to know where I can find the complete list of names or if you have it as well.
Heres a pic of the collection I have and have found the info on most of them and am still researching a few.
These items have already been discussed on the "Order & Decorations Forum" and as you noted found to be repos. i.e. HJ Dagger/Blood order.
Wish it was the Blood Order I am looking for
"He who hesitates is lost - is not only lost but miles from the next exit"
Horst, great photo... we have to get together soon
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