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Graphic Hanged partisans pic group

Article about: I got these a little while ago. Not much else to say. Stewy

  1. #1

    Default Graphic Hanged partisans pic group

    I got these a little while ago. Not much else to say. Stewy
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Graphic Hanged partisans pic group   Graphic Hanged partisans pic group  

    Graphic Hanged partisans pic group  

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  3. #2


    Hi Stewy, any idea on where they were taken?

    Cheers, Ade.
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  4. #3


    Can anybody make out what the signs on the pole they are hanging from say's?

    Semper Fi

  5. #4


    Somebody thought Russia, there's nothing written on the reverse. As for the "signs" above the gallows, I'm having trouble getting my microscope to load up to my laptop, if I can i'll get a close up. Stewy

  6. #5


    Quote by Stewy S View Post
    Somebody thought Russia, there's nothing written on the reverse. As for the "signs" above the gallows, I'm having trouble getting my microscope to load up to my laptop, if I can i'll get a close up. Stewy
    Nope can't do it microscope isn't compatible with windows 7. Just my luck, Stewy

  7. #6


    What is the building on the right in the last photograph? Maybe theres a clue to which country it is in this.

  8. #7


    I've tried looking at them through a eye piece & the best I can make out is. The sign above the gallows on the right of the picture as we look at it is in German, the other I can't make out until I sort my microscope out. Headline on the german written sign appears to be & I quote:
    "Sd. ge?? .15"
    This is underlined. But I apologise folks, that's all I can make out at best. Stewy

  9. #8


    That almost looks like a camp style watch tower in the background.

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

  10. #9


    Quote by Wagriff View Post
    That almost looks like a camp style watch tower in the background.
    Agreed William. It's definitely not an old windmill or something. But it is quite a permanent looking building, looks like it has been there for a while. Hopefully someone can shed some more light on it's whereabouts. Stewy

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