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My great german uncle

Article about: Can anyone ID the rank of my great great German Uncle? Anything else this photo tell you? This is a WW1 uniform correct? And yes I do look similar to him. I discovered these pictures from my

  1. #1

    Exclamation My great german uncle

    Can anyone ID the rank of my great great German Uncle? Anything else this photo tell you? This is a WW1 uniform correct? And yes I do look similar to him. I discovered these pictures from my grandparents while doing a family research for a college course! This soldiers last name was Taubey.

    -Kev Mo
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture My great german uncle  

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  3. #2

    Default Re: My great german uncle

    Hi Ke Mo, it is not a WW1 photo, but actually dates from the Reichwehr era of the 1920's or very early 1930's. You don't see that many photos of the small 100,000 man army. Note the very small eagle insignia on the cap within the wreath. This was a gold eagle on black background.

    He is a junior NCO in Infantry Regt 3. I cannot give the exact rank as I cannot see the number of stripes worn on his arm. You can tell his unit by the white piped shoulder straps and white collar litzen. The numeral indicates his Regt.

    There is some very good info about the Regt here:

    Infanterieregiment 3 - Lexikon der Wehrmacht

    If you dont read German just copy and paste the link to Google translate

    My forum friend "FB" showed a similar, but pink Pz piped Reichswehr era schirmutze which survives to this day on the forum. A rare cap.

    Thanks for showing the photo. I enjoyed seeing it.

    Cheers, Ade.

  4. #3

    Default Re: My great german uncle

    Wow. Thanks for the information!

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