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Photos taken from within The Nuremburg Trial

Article about: Hi Everyone, I'm looking for some advice please. My friend was cleaning out a storage and came accross some photos that I believe to be true, actual photos taken within the courtroom during

  1. #1

    Default Photos taken from within The Nuremburg Trial

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm looking for some advice please. My friend was cleaning out a storage and came accross some photos that I believe to be true, actual photos taken within the courtroom during The Nuremburg Trial along with some of the exhibit photos from the trial evidence. I would like to post some pictures and get some opinions about how to get them authenticated and appraised. Some of the photos ( the ones taken from within the courtroom during the trial) are blank on the back side. But the other photos ( the ones it seems that were used as evidence during the trial) are numbered and captioned on the back. All of these photos are actual, real photographs and not copies. I did a reverse image search on them but was not able to come up with a match, which leads me to believe these may be uncirculated private photos. I may be wrong, which is why I am here. I will post a few of them below. I don't know where I can go to get an honest opinion on authenticity and possible value. Any suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Thank you in advance.

    Photos taken from within The Nuremburg TrialPhotos taken from within The Nuremburg TrialPhotos taken from within The Nuremburg TrialPhotos taken from within The Nuremburg TrialPhotos taken from within The Nuremburg TrialPhotos taken from within The Nuremburg TrialPhotos taken from within The Nuremburg TrialPhotos taken from within The Nuremburg TrialPhotos taken from within The Nuremburg TrialPhotos taken from within The Nuremburg Trial

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Photos taken from within The Nuremburg Trial
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  3. #2


    Hello Wick.

    We are happy to discuss the history and authenticity of items, but we do not give monetary valuations because price is subjective.

    I think that these are press photos, but can't say when they were printed, eg were they printed in the immediate post war period or relatively recently.

    Hopefully one of the photo guys will see this and comment.

    Kind regards,


  4. #3


    The two photographs taken during the Nuremberg Trials are professionally taken shots that were widely republished and reprinted. They were taken by Soviet naval officer and photographer Yevgeny Ananyevich Khaldei, the same man who photographed the famous shots of the Reichstag capture and flag raising. The two photos in question appear that they are prints of some of his original images after being cropped.

    Photos taken from within The Nuremburg Trial

    Photos taken from within The Nuremburg Trial

    The last one I am not sure as I have seen many photos taken from the same vicinity but not at the same angle. Many of the American and French soldiers that first reached the Berghof and had cameras could and would take photos such as this. As did a photographer named Heinrich Standen. It was not demolished for five or six more years so other visitors and looters had plentiful opportunity to take their own snapshots.

    The rest are prewar photographs taken by Heinrich Hoffmann. Hitler reading a newspaper at the Berghof 1934/1935. Hitler and Gauleiter München-Oberbayern Adolf Wagner are humored by Küchenchef Arthur Kannenberg playing the accordion during a 1935 visit to the Harz mountains. The 1934 meeting of Hitler and Mussolini in Venice. Hoffmann began selling this particular image as a cigarette card in 1936. The parade photo is also from 1934 which was a commemorative march retracing the route of the Beer Hall Putsch 11 years prior. Multiple stock image companies such as Alamy and Getty Images allow you to buy licenses to use all these photos and most of the other Hoffmann images that were published. A few of these may be original copies but the resolution of others is very bad and thus makes me think they are later reprints. Hoffmann postcards and other published works were copyright stamped on the reverse so the lack of such on these is questionable. The typed descriptions are not those of Hoffmann’s studio either. These could be done by anyone with a typewriter.

    Photos taken from within The Nuremburg Trial

    Photos taken from within The Nuremburg Trial

    Photos taken from within The Nuremburg Trial

    Photos taken from within The Nuremburg Trial
    Last edited by Witt; 01-01-2024 at 12:10 AM.

  5. #4


    I agree, reprints...
    I'd rather be A "RaD Man than a Mad Man "

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