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SA men sitting around having a beer.

Article about: A beer after an event. I'm thinking pre-war. Opinions.

  1. #1

    Default SA men sitting around having a beer.

    A beer after an event. I'm thinking pre-war. Opinions.SA men sitting around having a beer.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement SA men sitting around having a beer.
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  3. #2
    MAP is offline


    Nice photo...that will be me in a week. (Having a beer in Munich that is..LoL)
    "Please", Thank You" and proper manners appreciated

    My greatest fear is that one day I will die and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them

    "Don't tell me these are investments if you never intend to sell anything" (Quote: Wife)

  4. #3


    Quote by MAP View Post
    Nice photo...that will be me in a week. (Having a beer in Munich that is..LoL)
    Ha, good plan !
    Looks like someone's just suggested going to a Beer festival in that photo !

  5. #4


    A beer or two at The Hofbrauhaus in Munich...still on my bucket list.

  6. #5


    SA men doing what SA men love to do. I'm not sure when they removed tresse from the collars but there's a distinct lack. I believe the eagle on the cap in the foreground is of a 1936 pattern?

    Nice picture!

  7. #6
    MAP is offline


    Quote by Garth E View Post
    A beer or two at The Hofbrauhaus in Munich....
    That will be where I can be found.
    "Please", Thank You" and proper manners appreciated

    My greatest fear is that one day I will die and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them

    "Don't tell me these are investments if you never intend to sell anything" (Quote: Wife)

  8. #7


    Nice photo !!
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture SA men sitting around having a beer.  
    I'd rather be A "RaD Man than a Mad Man "

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