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Seller on ebay selling reprints

Article about: Guys watch out from this seller. He claims to have only 100% originals but unfortunately he is one of the many con mans out there trying to steal the hard earned cash of the unwary. Link: ht

  1. #1

    Default Seller on ebay selling reprints

    Guys watch out from this seller. He claims to have only 100% originals but unfortunately he is one of the many con mans out there trying to steal the hard earned cash of the unwary.

    Link: 84.m1423.l2661

    The photo depicts the RK winner Herr Hans-Ekkehard Bob so there is no way that it is an original photo.
    I have reported the item to ebay but as usual they did nothing. Maybe if some of you could also report it then they can take some action??
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Seller on ebay selling reprints  

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Seller on ebay selling reprints
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  3. #2


    They never do, not to mention going through his listings right now it's utterly outstanding the amount of original death photos Himmler he has.

  4. #3


    Simple solution...just inform eBay that you can see a Swastika on the photo and it is therefore against their rules to show it. Anything with a Swastika on eBay is pulled.

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

  5. #4


    These people make you loose hope.. =/

    And the people who buy the crap need to educate themselfs a little too.. I mean.. 1684 positive feedback last year and only 2 negative from selling fakes.. That is astonishing

  6. #5


    Quote by Monuir View Post
    These people make you loose hope.. =/

    And the people who buy the crap need to educate themselfs a little too.. I mean.. 1684 positive feedback last year and only 2 negative from selling fakes.. That is astonishing
    That's the problem with ebay, for all the good it has done there's still the fakery that ebay seems to ignore.

    Not to mention, and I mean no offense by this, there are the collectors who don't really put thought or effort into their collection. I've personally known a couple people who will buy things without question, without looking, and when they receive the item just take it at face value. It's people like that which helps the fakers continue their trade.

  7. #6


    What's always bothered me with the stuff on eBay(besides the obvious), is that no matter How Absurdly Fake an item might be, there is almost Always Someone out there who will bid and buy it. Whether it's an SS Skull ring with a cigar in it's mouth or a hand drawn doodle on a cocktail napkin of a rare bank note, Someone will end up Buying it! Where do these horrible things all Go?? Is it Really True, that out there Somewhere, there is a drooling idiot with an IQ of 40 who is sitting with the item in their hand and gloating about his "rare rare rare Rare item" that he was clever and lucky enough to get? It truly Is disheartening to consider the Enormous Money that is spent on this Crude Ridiculous Garbage and that Someday, it will eventually make it's way to a Seller and be offered to him for sale, only to be rejected as a laughable fake, which will then Absolutely Enrage the person offering to sell it, as "My father collected this stuff for Years and he spent Alot of Money on it! He had it for 40 years or more! He put his Life Savings-Our Inheritance into it! How Dare you tell me it's not real??". And yet, year after year after decade after decade the endless piles of crap keep multiplying more and more and more... The Actual genuine items decrease in numbers every year, as more every Day are lost,destroyed, burnt in fires, ruined by floods, dropped and broken, swallowed by dogs, consumed by zinc pest, mold, rust, you name it. But the Fake Crap Increases in numbers...Always. You gotta love this hobby to be in it, I guess.

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

  8. #7


    Waitaminute.....eBay has fakes being sold?!?!?!?!

    Noooooooo. Well I'll be....

  9. #8

    Default Ebay

    Ebay pulls all the good stuff.... But NOT nazi coins... with blatant swastika portrayal...
    Kind of "Two" sided pardon the pun....Gwar

  10. #9


    ebay does have it's uses but we all know not for TR collectables!....

  11. #10


    Quote by Gunny Hartmann View Post
    ebay does have it's uses but we all know not for TR collectables!....
    That stuff really is trash! The only use I have found for ebay is books and old football(soccer)shirts. As you quite rightly point out Gunny , there is no point in searching for SS helmets and the like there!! Leon.

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