Is this 88 millimeter photo my email
Is this 88 millimeter photo my email
Sorry. But what is your question/point??
"Please", Thank You" and proper manners appreciated
My greatest fear is that one day I will die and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them
"Don't tell me these are investments if you never intend to sell anything" (Quote: Wife)
Please post a picture or a question. many of us here collect 8.8cm ordinance.
I suppose you could say its round if you looked at it directly from the base !
I have a 88 millimeter shell.and the projectile won't let me post photos.can I email to someone knows these type of ordance. Thanks .
You shouldn't have any difficulty with using the forum uploader. It's a feature that not only posts your photos for all to see, but that preserves them for future reference as well.
I'd encourage its use, otherwise people are unlikely to want or be able to help.
Is this a 88 millimeter shell and projectile I can't tell thanks
More photos
Looks like German Flak88 round to me ,most likely a Finnish used case that has been stripped of the grey paint that you normally see them painted in
It is a ww2 88 shell then.I did not pay much for it.iam in the states.long it is ww2 era .the projectile is marked 44.the cartridge case is not marked.has a small number on it thanks alot.never see one here in the US
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