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Arado AR 196 seaplane trials

Article about: I hope this is also a good spot for aircraft. This was shot at the Luftwaffe Testing Center (Erprobungsstelle) Travemünde. This film shows both the center float and twin float models. The Ar

  1. #1

    Default Arado AR 196 seaplane trials

    I hope this is also a good spot for aircraft.

    This was shot at the Luftwaffe Testing Center (Erprobungsstelle) Travemünde. This film shows both the center float and twin float models.

    The Ar 196 V4 (D-OVMB) shown in the first part of the video was at Travemünde for seaworthyness trials. This video was shot on December 8, 1938 with Helmut Schuster at the controls. This test sealed the fate of the center float Ar 196.

    Arado Ar196


  2. #2

    Default Re: Arado AR 196 seaplane trials

    Interesting bit of film. Never seen or heard of an Arado with that float before. Thanks for posting it here Bill.

    Cheers, Ade.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Arado AR 196 seaplane trials

    Two pontoons make quite a difference! Good flick!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Arado AR 196 seaplane trials

    wow ! Thank for posting


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