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Stug found at Pskov.MP40 photo!

Article about: Hello, I was reading some post's on the Stug found at Pskov (of which i have the radio rack). I noticed Kursk had asked for the photo of a recovery crew member holding an MP40 found inside.I

  1. #1

    Default Stug found at Pskov.MP40 photo!

    I was reading some post's on the Stug found at Pskov (of which i have the radio rack). I noticed Kursk had asked for the photo of a recovery crew member holding an MP40 found inside.I think these were the guy's who retrieved the remain's of the crew member's found still inside.I have attached that photo here and also a few other's that have been unshown

    Attached Images Attached Images Stug found at Pskov.MP40 photo!  Stug found at Pskov.MP40 photo!  Stug found at Pskov.MP40 photo!  Stug found at Pskov.MP40 photo! 

  2. #2
    Marten Meyer

    Default Re: Stug found at Pskov.MP40 photo!

    Hi Tom,
    Mate I have lucky enough to see a photo of that said radio.As others have stated pity the Stug counldn`t be bought.

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