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Track link from Panzerjager 35R (Renault R35) ?

Article about: Hello everybody ! I ask for help in identifying this track. Thought it was with the Panzerjager 35R (Renault R35). But there are suspicions, the teeth are not very similar.Thanks all!

  1. #1

    Default Track link from Panzerjager 35R (Renault R35) ?

    Hello everybody ! I ask for help in identifying this track. Thought it was with the Panzerjager 35R (Renault R35). But there are suspicions, the teeth are not very similar.Thanks all!
    Track link from Panzerjager 35R (Renault R35) ?Track link from Panzerjager 35R (Renault R35) ?Track link from Panzerjager 35R (Renault R35) ?Track link from Panzerjager 35R (Renault R35) ?Track link from Panzerjager 35R (Renault R35) ?

  2. #2


    no one can tell?

  3. #3


    Sorry for the late reply. This track link appears to be for the Hotchkiss H35/39. It is not for the R35.

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