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Track links and return wheels

Article about: hey datrus you've got more british vehicles parts than me . here's a pic of a valentine wreck on pirbright range in surrey you can just make out the top of the track sticking out of the grou

  1. #1

    Default Track links and return wheels

    Hello guys

    I hope some experts can help me out with these questions.

    I have found a number of these track links in Bryansk. I thought it was Panzer III track links, but they do not look like the type of links i have found on the net. What tyoe of links is it?

    Also these return wheels is very hard to identify. Rubber is missing for some reason.

    Thanks a lot cool militaria

    Track links and return wheelsTrack links and return wheelsTrack links and return wheelsTrack links and return wheels

  2. #2

    Default Re: Track links and return wheels

    No track experts??

  3. #3

    Default Re: Track links and return wheels


  4. #4

    Default Re: Track links and return wheels

    the rubber will have perished they look to me to be modern day not ww2 the tracks i would have also guessed panzer3

  5. #5

    Default Re: Track links and return wheels

    Thanks a lot for the input Tom. Especially regarding the wheels. I think they look a bit strange, but i am quite sure they are WW2. Maybe they are post war origin, but how the hell did they end up in the forest? The "cut outs" in the have a not typically WW2 look.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Track links and return wheels

    The link shown in the lower two photos is from a British Valentine tank or derivatives (eg Archer self-propelled gun), which were supplied to the Russian army during the war. The link at the top I'm still looking for, but I think I've chased that type before without success. It's definitely not from a Panzer III though!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Track links and return wheels

    I cannot match the track or wheels to anything either, at least not German.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Track links and return wheels

    Can we have some more photos of the top link please, from various angles and also with a tape measure so that we can see the dimensions?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Track links and return wheels

    I knew I'd seen this before, but we couldn't work out what it was then either!

    Unbekanntes Kettenglied - Militaria Fundforum

  10. #10

    Default Re: Track links and return wheels

    Thanks a lot guys. I will try to get new pics. Im in center of Moscow, and the links is a little bit of way out of town. I'm really thankful for you answers mates.

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