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Soviet SSh40, brown liner, LMZ 1944, any issues?

Article about: So I picked up this helmet quite cheaply, and was wondering 2 things, what the meaning is of the white bar at the front and the bit at the back, and if there's any issues with it that would

  1. #11


    Thanks a lot, that looks great, it's another one than I saw before, but still.
    Now to start the search for a good chinstrap though haha

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Soviet SSh40, brown liner, LMZ 1944, any issues?
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  3. #12


    Soviet SSh40, brown liner, LMZ 1944, any issues?Soviet SSh40, brown liner, LMZ 1944, any issues?Soviet SSh40, brown liner, LMZ 1944, any issues?

    I've got this SSH 40 with a brown liner, can I hear your thoughts on it?

  4. #13


    Good question, do you have a pic of the manufacturer marking? The type of factory stamp and also a year are on that, and sometimes it can also be seen if the year has been altered due to an impossible combination of factory mark and year.
    Possibly a visible shell lot number stamped into the steel too

  5. #14


    Soviet SSh40, brown liner, LMZ 1944, any issues?
    Soviet SSh40, brown liner, LMZ 1944, any issues?
    Soviet SSh40, brown liner, LMZ 1944, any issues?
    Sorry for the late reply, I didn't get the notification.
    These are the visible stamps so far, is there anything I'm missing that I could take a photo of to show you? And does this explain anything? I'm very confused how this helm ended up with a brown liner, thanks for any info!

  6. #15


    That LMZ maker logo is only used postwar so the 1943 date is not correct (most likely it was 1948 but the 3 was altered to make it look like a 3 - happened a lot unfortunately).

  7. #16


    There we have it, it's a much seen way to make an early postwar helmet into a fake wartime one, sadly.

  8. #17


    Yes I knew that it was faked, unfortunately. I honestly would have been fine with the 1948 intact, still got the problem of the origin of a brown liner though, can't find much explanations online.

  9. #18


    Oh that's just 1 of the earlier types of patterned liner pads before they used all that stuff up and standardized to black pebbled ones.
    Eventually with the SSh40-60 they started using black and brown loeather pads again, but only pebbled finish

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